The Moon is in Capricorn at the moment, and oft-times, that means the instinct to climb mountains (get things done) is strong.
And yet, the Moon is Void-of-Course, and that means it's not forming any aspects (angles) to other planets. It's an astrological phenomenon that happens about 13 times a month, and is very subtle, if felt at all.
With it, may come a drifty, floaty feeling, or the urge to come at something from an intuitive angle. The last angle was a square to Mars (Libra), which is in retrograde. So a possible current is weighing options, considering alternative pathways, or the need to take someone else into account.
The mood of the particular Moon Void-of-Course is said to be colored by that last angle made, so here, the one to Mars. It could temporarily mean a delay, or a sense of slowness. That's on top of the Moon being in its waning phase, too. The Void-of-Course ends when the Moon goes into Aquarius (6:39 pm Eastern).
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