Many are on the edge of their seats, wondering what April will bring. Notably, there's a grand cross around April 23rd, with all four cardinal corners juiced up.
There's the next exact Uranus-Pluto square on April 21st. And this is a point of intensifying squeeze or crash in the ongoing breakdown -- and rebirth -- process. Mars is backing up to bring an airy (Libra) forcefulness to any crisis that happens.
The fourth player is Jupiter (in Cancer), and the point of stress, or pressure to change, is at 13 degrees. The chart for April 23rd's Grand Cross shows all cardinal points engaged. Cardinal energies initiate, and boldly take charge.
Let's look at this as an initiation, to experience the power of nature within us and around us. Four is a sacred and stabilizing number -- it's associated with the medicine wheel of indigenous cultures.
This brings together the four elements - fire, earth, air and water. And it fires up all four directions of the solar wheel.
Instead of contracting in fear, or using the old narratives for the story of now, Uranus Aries encourages seeing with fresh eyes, and lightening your load. Where's the excitement and sense of freedom? How can we use the amazing technologies (Uranus), to benefit humanity? How do we fight against technologies that exploit humanity?
Pluto Capricorn is doing the dirty work of shining light on what's dark and toxic. Hidden agendas and hierarchies are being unveiled. The regeneration comes when we align with Earth power and understand its ancient history and secrets, instead of growing further away from it.
Jupiter's luck and Midas Touch is in Cancer, the sign of home and family. We can see here, that there's a fight (at times, a war) over the future of the human family. Mars couldn't be in a better sign than Libra, to activate sleepy consciences, and put forth alternatives that are based on the highest human values.
I chose this image, because there's a lot of fluid water as a backdrop, for thawing out and re-sensitizing. I'll be writing more in the next week on this, and have been giving it a lot of thought. For now, how about getting back to basics -- the elements. This is a time to be alert and prepared to change. We are living in wild, memorable times!
Tips: Create your own four elements altar or power spot; example, a candle (fire), gems and crystals or found rocks (earth), feathers (air) and scrying bowls (water). Look at your own strengths and challenges with the elements.
Robert Decelis Ltd/Getty Images
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