Those with Mercury in Aries seek out the new, and present ideas to others energetically. They dazzle others by intuitively hitting on the essentials of a situation. They speak in a direct style that leaves the prolonged mulling over to others. They tell it like it is, and sometimes their honesty is brutal. They are forthright, so others don't have to read between the lines. Decisions are made quickly, and carry a sense of momentum to set it in motion. This makes them dynamic leaders who walk their talk, and inspire others to act.
Their mind is like a high-powered flashlight, with a concentrated focus. They're always seeking that breakthrough moment, when a brilliant notion captures their interest. Theirs is a mind hungry for stimulation and vigorous exchange. That need for verbal sparring can make them confrontational, always escalating conversations into arguments. They provoke others through language, and at extremes can be ruthless in their teasing.
The need to be brilliant and "win" debates means they encounter others as adversaries, even those they love. If this is not kept under control, they become insufferable "know-it-alls." They're restless and grow visibly frustrated when faced with delays. This Mercury also grows impatient with those they consider dim witted, which from their estimation, is a huge swath of the population. They love mental challenges that involve strategy and competition, like chess.
This Mercury's opinions and observations are creations of a self-centered mind. They can be defensive if challenged, because they are their thoughts. As forceful communicators, they are known to "ram" their ideas down others throats. But more often, their confident style infuses a stagnant atmosphere with new life. The fired up way they describe things is contagious, and soon others are alive with ideas, too.
The originality of Mercury in Aries makes them stand out in their fields. A concept they've hatched might take on a life of its own, and be an idea that others rally around. Chances are, they've got a few followers that hang on their every word. Their gift is sudden illumination, and it often startles others. Their challenge is to grow patient with the details, and to stick with projects through the tedious bits. They're genius at starting little fires, and quickly moving on to the next big thing. They are rarely bored, since there's always something new to discover.
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