Sunday, October 2, 2011

How To Be A Professional Astrologer

A professional astrologer has many obstacles on the path to the business of proving professional astrology consultations. There are no companies that hire professional astrologers; this is a business that you will need entrepreneurial skills along with top astrological knowledge.

One does not generally choose to be an astrologer, the profession calls to you. It truly is a calling. A future astrologer is compelled to share the mysteries and messages from the universe to help others with a system that provides so much wisdom and understanding.

Excellent training is essential in paving the path to be a good astrologer. There are several professional organizations that provide conferences that will give you access to the worlds best and famous astrologers. For ongoing training find a local astrology group or organization that has monthly or bi monthly meetings. Many local astrological groups will also have beginner and intermediate astrology lessons. There are professional astrology certification courses offered through national astrology organizations that will measure your level of learning. Kepler college offers a bachelors and a masters degree in astrology.

If you do not have a local astrology club sign up for on line lessons and travel to regional conferences. Once you are introduced to several disciplines of astrology you will want to narrow down your focus to an astrological field that suits your temperament. You may be inclined towards psychological astrology, predictive, financial, horary, cosmobiology, Vedic, to name just a few.

Reading is essential, there are hundreds of books that will help you gain deeper understanding of how to interpret a chart. It is wise to choose authors that practice the type of astrology that you are interested in. Once you have mastered your art then begin with providing astrology chart readings to friends for feedback. Feedback on your skills is essential to honing your book knowledge.

Being a professional astrologer is a rewarding experience; knowing you are helping others understand their destiny and path in life through astrology brings satisfaction. Professional astrology consultations can help others at different times of crises and at normal times to ascertain what the planetary influences are around a person.

If you feel the calling to be a professional astrologer be patient with the process. Getting several personal readings from other astrologers will give you an idea of the different styles of astrological readings and help you know what you need to do to become a good astrologer. Use the messages in your own astrology chart to help you on your path to becoming a professional astrology consultant.

Astrology is an incredible tool to help you navigate life. However without the tools and resources to know what is going to happen and how to make the best use of the astrological energy you are missing out. To find out when the next astrology shift is about to happen go to

Common Misconceptions About Astrology

There are many common misconceptions about astrology in the West. Astrology in The States has been became a variety of entertainment and is not taken seriously by many people. Still, the truth is that there is a great amount of truth and usefulness in the ability to astrology. He're the three most commonplace misconceptions about astrology, and the truth behind the myth.

Common Misconception about Astrology Number One: Horoscopes don't work because astrology is bunk.

The Truth: Horoscopes are entertainment created based on limited aspects of the true study of astrology. Horoscopes are created using the standard sun signs and the influences on them from planetary movements and alignments. Since not every person with a certain sun sign have the identical astrological chart, horoscopes are rarely accurate for greater than one or two of people.

Real astrology predictions are made by utilizing personal astrological details mixed with current astrological influences. These in depth astrology readings are very difficult and complex, and cannot be created reliably on a mass basis. Therefore, horoscopes serve as a basis for entertainment and what may happen dependent on sun sign alone.

Common Misunderstanding about Astrology Number Two: Astrology is an ancient practice that holds no place in reality, like Greek and Roman tales of Hercules and gods and goddesses.

The Truth: Astrology has been practiced since pre-historic times. There have been maps of the stars and other evidences found that astrology was practiced by the Egyptians, the Incans, and the Aztecs. Additionally, China and India have long experienced astrology and used its predictions in their daily lives for millennia, and keep on do so.

It is even recently understood that astrology played a huge role in the Christian story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The three wise men used astrological phenomena in preference to a genuine star to discern the occasions that were about to occur and the realization they would occur across the nation of Judah. Based on this new found details, it is becoming more tough for people to dismiss astrology as myth and legend.

Common Misunderstanding about Astrology Number Three: Real astrology is not practiced in the US.

The Truth: Much of the astrology practiced in the United States is not an actual study of astrology and is for entertainment purposes only, like horoscopes. Even so, there are still real astrology experts in the US. While they are few compared to the general consensus of astrologists, and can be difficult to find, the're most of them out there.

The best places to find real astrologists in the United States are in communities where number has not driven out the New Age population. True astrologists and New Agers can be seen in small communities of large urban centers and at what is now and again called "enlightenment festivals." There are, in addition New Age and occult book stores and other shops where you may find real astrology experts. Additionally, you can discover real astrologists at pagan festivals and psychic fairs held throughout The States at various times of the year.

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The Path to Become an Astrologer

The path to become an Astrologer is one of the best paths you can take, especially if you are into Astrology. If studying Astrology is your hobby, why not take the next step and turn it into your career? First of all, we need to understand what the word Astrology means and where it comes from. It comes from Greek word "astro" which means star and "logy" (logos) means speech. When you break that down you find that the word Astrology means the speech of the stars. An astrologer is a person who can accurately predict events based on the positions of the celestial bodies in the universe. It is one of the most reward able jobs if it is done accurately and taken seriously. Are you ready to take the next step and become a professional Astrologer?

Learning how to accurately predict the future based on learning to read the cosmos is a tough thing to do. This practice can be seen way back in the 4th century B.C. and it is still practiced all over the world today. If you are a professional Astrologer you will be will respected. Even today there are lots of very wealthy Astrologers accurately predicting what the future holds. You don't need supernatural powers or witchcraft to become an astrologist. You just need to have patience and the willingness to learn. There are many classes you can take online or offline to become a certified astrologist. I highly recommend taking online courses as you can do them at your own pace and right in the comfort of your own home.

Being a professional astrologist will allow you to help solve your problems and other people's problems. People will shed out tons of money for solving their problems. If you can help solve people's problems and make them happy than you are definitely in the right business I promise you. Taking a look at the present situation and giving reasons why they are going through what they are going through at this present time on Earth will help accurately predict what is going to happen next in their lives. The Zodiac is also part of Astrology and it helps astrologers easily predict the future. There is tons and tons of money in the Astrology business and you should clearly make the next move and become a certified Astrologer. The Zodiac is also a part of astrology and it helps astrologers more accurately predict your future. There is a lot of money in the astrology field and you should go ahead and take advantage of it. You can become a certified astrologer in just seven days with an online course. Soon as you become certified you will be on the right path to making some serious money in the Astrology field. Many people don't realize how much money is involved in this field. I wish you the best of luck and please remember never give up no matter what!

Are you ready to join the booming business of Astrology? Learn The Path to become an Astrologer by receiving my free guide on how to become an Astrologer at

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Astrological Counseling - Blending Ancient and Modern Therapies

In 1929, the eminent psychologist C.G. Jung wrote that astrology was assured recognition from the field of psychology because "astrology represents the summation of all psychological knowledge of antiquity." Almost 70 years later, however, astrology is still waiting. Even though this ancient tradition has been practiced throughout the world for thousands of years and its principles and practice share marked similarities with modern psychological thought, astrology has largely been ignored by the psychological community.

In spite of this lack of professional recognition, the field of astrology has grown considerably through the influence of its younger sibling, the art/science of psychology. The many different schools of psychological thought - Freudian, Jungian, humanistic, existential, and transpersonal, among others - have all contributed to the expansion of astrology as a language of the human experience.

As a result we can now consult with Jungian astrologers, humanistic-oriented astrologers, transpersonal astrologers, and so on. Although the field of astrology has benefited over the years from the influence of the various schools of psychological thought, it now seems clear that if astrology is to be recognized as a legitimate counseling or healing approach we need to recognize that the astrological system and language is a complete "psychology" (soul study) in and of itself.

Basically, the aims of astrology are very similar to that of the various "schools" of modern psychology previously mentioned. All, in their own way, are concerned with understanding the human psyche and with integrating the various aspects of the personality, thereby creating wholeness.

The advantage of using astrology as a tool for understanding and "whole-making" is that the natal chart or horoscope provides a detailed "blueprint" of our unique psychological structure. Even more important, astrology can reveal both our strengths and areas of challenge, and at the same time give us a broader perspective on how we can constructively manifest our potential in these areas.

This kind of unique information about an individual's psychological make-up and positive potential is not immediately available to the traditional psychotherapist, counselor, or psychologist. Many hours of interviewing and therapy may be required before the same information is revealed.

Although the psychologist, in particular, has many personality tests that can be administered to reveal some of the same aspects in the natal chart, this information is usually not readily available for discussion with the client as is the horoscope. The advantage that the mental health professional has, of course, is that once difficult aspects of the personality or emerging potentials are discovered, he or she has the training and counseling skills necessary to help the client integrate them.

Having briefly discussed some of the similarities and differences between astrology and psychology, it seems appropriate to discuss just how astrological counseling fits into the picture. Astrological counseling is a relatively new contribution to the healing arts. It represents a unique blending of the ancient tradition of astrology with the modern science/art of psychology.

Astrology, as traditionally practiced, usually consists of a one and a half- to two-hour consultation. In a typical consultation the astrologer would cover the client's strengths and challenges, life direction or purpose, and current life cycles. In most cases this amounts to an enormous amount of information that the client is then left with to integrate by him or herself. Hopefully by seeing the horoscope as a mirror or symbol of inner psychological and spiritual processes, the client can begin to understand his or her own unique way of being.

Astrological counseling initially provides much of the same type of information as that gained from a typical astrological consultation. The difference being that Astrological counseling supports and builds on the understanding gleaned from the horoscope through ongoing interaction with a skilled "guide" or counselor. This ongoing interaction can help to integrate the understanding gained from the birth chart so that the client can begin to modify, transmute, and attune natal "energies" in order to express him or herself in the most positive and powerful way possible.

Dane Rudhyar, certainly one of the most profound astrological writers, once said that "the highest purpose of astrology is to provide the individual human being with a knowledge of how best to act so that the closed center of the ego may open to the power of his/her inherent destiny" as it not only provides intellectual understanding but also the opportunity to deeply know and honor oneself on an emotional/spiritual level as well. Astrological counseling is truly a synthesis... and a way of rediscovering and re-experiencing just how magnificent we truly are.

James Jarvis, M.A. is a transpersonal counselor, master astrologer, and LifeQwest? Coach who specializes in helping you "Create the Life of Your Dreams." Sign up for James' free bi-monthly LifeQwest? E-zine and receive a free 12-page report, "Keys to Right Livelihood," plus monthly horoscope, coaching tips and special discounts on services.

Astrological Choices - What Kind of Astrologer Will You Choose Or Choose to Be?

In any human issue category there is a huge number of service providers to choose from and astrology is no exception. Just put any category title into a search engine and you can get thousands or even millions of possibilities. On a moment of curiosity I just Googled my own name and got 4,120,000 entries. I had no idea I was that popular (me and every other name like mine). This staggering amount of information is so far beyond anyone's ability to research just one item meaningfully. Just how do you determine quality within such enormous quantity?

Since our subject is astrology and astrologers, does an astrologer have to be professional, accredited, famous, or just plain available? If you happen to be a budding astrologer you will have to make choices as to what kind of an astrologer you will become. Your choices will involve the services you offer to clients, your skill and credibility. plus personal motivations and goals. I am offering an overview of several considerations to help you make valid astrological choices for yourself and eventually for what you offer your clients. As you understand what underlies your own motivations and choices you should be able to apply the same reasoning to the choice of an astrologer to read you.

Motivation - Where are you coming from in your philosophic outlook? Do you see this as a service project, a way to make money, a profession, love of the study itself or some other basic personal drive? Are you more interested in self-help, fun, business, relationship, evolution, or other astrological technique? How does a study or work of this type fit into your personal belief systems? Personally you will need to resolve any inherent conflicts or face a lifetime of self-questioning. When choosing an astrologer to read for you, you need to be aware that they face the same questions in their own choices.

Personality - Are you clinical or a more personally sensitive person? Some readers are subjectively involved in their reading. Others readers prefer objectivity. Astrology provides a diagram, a personal map of an entity in wheel form that allows examination of their life. You can use the wheel in so many different ways. One of those is the choice between the subjective or objective approach. Do you prefer the personal approach or the arms-length approach? Do you want for yourself or do you want to provide others with a once a year reading done in a one-hour increment perhaps in writing or on a pre-recorded tape or even computer generated? Do you want for yourself or do you want to provide others personal access with the ability to call back with questions? Each of us is human and will choose the role most comfortable, the one that fits into our personal norms and provides us with good results. Look at your self first. How do you see yourself reading as an astrologer? Do you want to be the clinician or the sensitive when you read for others? Then take those questions a step further. What kind of astrologer would you choose to read for you? Do you want the clinician or the sensitive to read you?

Setting - Are you more comfortable in a business-like setting such as a formal office, for either seeing or becoming an astrologer? Are you more comfortable in a home-like atmosphere for being read by another or in doing a reading for another? Do you want strangers ((before the reading) inside your personal space because each person who enters our personal space whether they be astrologers or not bring their personal influence into our space. With the many years I have practiced astrology, I have read clients in both in a business and a personal setting and I have encountered myriad settings when someone reads me. We do what is available and what is comfortable to us. Perhaps your choices will involve the possibility of a setting, urban or rural, private or public, or availability of resource. Many students study in quiet because of religious or philosophical differences with their personal families and their extended or cultural families, Each of us have the choice of setting whether we are studying, or being read or we are reading for a client.

Learning Curve - When I started astrology I was self-taught, spending the first few years busting the books. I never realized there were teachers in my area so I did not have specific teachers. Later I started reading for others and eventually teaching others. If you can learn through this self-taught method, it is simply one specific way to learn. If you were fortunate enough to have a teacher or an established class it is just as valid and possibly much easier than my alone journey. One learning method is not better than another, it is just different. You should choose from what is available to you and feels the most comfortable to your own learning preferences. Students become astrologers by practicing their craft not just by reading or listening. Method and technique are just a means to an end. The proof will always be in the readings. This is true of your own information gathering and conclusions as well as the same learning curve in other readers.

Credibility - This should be a big issue astrologically. There are the usual issues of honesty, integrity, and respect for privacy. No one wants to encounter a scam artist, but they are out there in the same numbers as any other human activity. Just because someone presents themselves as spiritually motivated does not make it so. A spiritually motivated person acts spiritually, never dishonestly. Remember, I am describing both you and any outside counselor you choose to read you. You must be discerning...not judgmental, just observant and dispassionate in your choices. Trust your own instincts. If you feel uncomfortable with a reader, move on to find another. When you have a reading of any type, you allow another human being (potentially unknown game-changer) to walk around in your mind. You need to be comfortable in such choices. Having said all that about an outside reader, you need to face and develop those same credibility issues within yourself as you develop your skills and offer your services. It is important that you have honesty, integrity and respect for privacy. An individual's birth map in skilled hands has no secrets. Astrologers must be respectful of such trust. You have the right to expect that same respect when you put your birth map in the hands of another.

More on Credibility - Unfortunately as mentioned wherever there are humans there will be issues of misuse of information or skills. There are fakes and charletans in every category of humanity. Some people seem to be inherently dishonest and the field of reading is no exception. must be discerning. If you get burned, consider it an unfortunate life lesson and move on but do not repeat your poor choice or recommend others to that poor choice. Word of mouth advertising is both the best and the worst advertising possible. If you are damaged in any way (financial damage is the least of your concerns), go for remedy or healing as soon as possible. Don't let a problem fester from something minor into something major over time.

If you encounter one who is continually trying to pedal outside services such as lighting candles to prevent negative happenings, preying on your guilt or grief in personal tragedy, or other similar nonsense, it has nothing to do with astrology. An honest astrologer will not go down that negative path. I have run into people who have needed help with such unnecessary negativity in their lives and have helped them as part of my service as a human being. This help was not astrological in nature. To me it was necessary and healing in nature. Choose carefully those you allow into your mind and life. Choose carefully what kind of an astrologer you will become because you have the potential to profoundly influence another person's life and choices. ABC - Always Be Credible.

Information Flow - Astrologers should be able to tell you about yourself and your life without the information pump being primed. I do not believe a reading would be valid and honest if I were to ask you a bunch of questions first or allow you to load me down with information. If I am any good at what I do, I really should not need to do that. I might choose to question an either/or conundrum in the middle of a reading, such as "It could be this or that, how do you see this working in your life?" If you feed me information and I feed it back to you as a reading, it is simply not honest. I ask clients not to volunteer information about themselves and their lives and to allow me to generate the information from the wheel itself. That way I know I am getting the information from the patterns and not prior knowledge of the person. I can't stop people from talking and telling me personal information I would rather not know, but I do try, My solution? I ask my clients if they want to hear their voice or my voice on the tape recording of our session. That is a good illustration of my desire for the cleanest possible reading. Oh...the answer is yes, I do tape my readings. I speak very fast for probably an hour or more and that is difficult to take in with one run-through. As the reading progresses, more and more of the individual is revealed through the reading process and that is natural. Just don't initially prime the information pump whether you are being read or if you are giving a reading.

Credentials - What about credentials? It is possible to go through standardized astrological testing to establish credentials as to your skill. There are several organizations who can administer such tests should you choose and these tests are quite difficult. I know very good astrologers who never bothered to be tested and some equally as good astrologers who did go through the testing procedure. The choice to do or not to do is always individual. A problem would occur if one group decided their way was the only way. But then again astrologers are still considered to be of the human species so there is nothing unusual about the ego running away with the mouth, is there? If you choose an astrologer to read for you, know that passing such testing simply specifies that an astrologer has a grasp and comprehension of the basics of astrology which truly is a great basis for an astrologer. As I said before, proof of skill will always be in the readings themselves.

Psychic or Astrology - Are you psychic as well as an astrologer and want to blend those skills? Astrological skill is very different from psychic sensitivity. I practice and teach both so I do understand the distinction. Psychic stems from an emotional, instinctive or feeling basis and astrology stems from an intellectual, intuitive or reasoning basis. From my perspective, if you are psychic you can apply that skill to any level of your life and it should be a benefit to you and others (if you are reasonably accurate). Psychic has nothing to do with astrology per se, but can be as useful in that context as well. My personal astrologer was both psychic and a good astrologer and successfully blended those skills. Personally I keep those skills separate at least most of the time. My choice. Do you want a purist to read for you as a psychic or an astrologer or are you comfortable with a merged skill set?

These are a few of the issues that you will encounter as you choose an astrologer for yourself or choose to act as an astrologer for others.

Marilyn Muir, author, "Presidents of Hope and Change: Bringing Hope to our Future by Reaching into our Astrological Past." How astrology predicts our nation's future by reaching into our past.

Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama... The Lineage of Hope Using the influential and interwoven cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto to predict issues and trends up to 2012 and even beyond to 2025, Ms Muir leaves us with the clear message of hope as she depicts the future of President Obama at the helm of the USA ship of state.

Read the first 36 pages (PDF) including the charts of all four Presidents - you'll get hooked!

Astrology, Numerology & Compatibility - Why You Need to Scrutinize a Lot More Than Just Sun Signs

Instead of considering only astrological Sun signs,

we believe that the comprehensive astrology and

numerology charts must be scrutinized if one wants

to consider true personality, compatibility, and

personal timing (prediction and forecasting).

Also, thorough handwriting analysis done by a well-

trained professional adds a great deal of additional

insight about subconscious character, much of which

that can't be found through modern, psychological


On the surface, you may think you have great astrological

compatibility on paper with two seemingly easy-going,

compassionate people (signified in part, for example, by

both having an abundance of Pisces and Cancer energy).

However, it's discovered that one has very compressed,

narrow, extreme right-slanted, sharp, angular, heavy

pressure script with rigid baselines and downward slanting,

weak-ending, pointed letter t-bars. Plus, strong patterns

of over-balanced "8" and "1" energy are found in the

comprehensive numerology charts. All of this with

other corroborating information alerts the analyst to

the strong possibility of that person being a domineering


The other person's comprehensive charts involve, in

part, lots of under-balanced "2" energy which suggests

dependency and self-deprecation. In support of these

notions, that person's script includes martyr/victim traits

such as small overall script size, light writing pressure,

close word spacing, excessively rounded and immature-

looking writing, droopy rhythm and connectives

between letters, pinched circle letters, low and weakly

crossed letter t-bars back to the left instead of to the right,

and x-formations where the letter x is not present.

In this case, a surface astrology interpretation would

unfortunately leave open the potential for a very toxic,

if not dangerous match.

An aside, psychology was not part of astrology until

about 100 years ago. The approximately 2000 year

tradition of the science of astrology involves mostly

prediction instead of psychological character analysis.

Unfortunately, in our view, most astrology found today

in print or on-line is primarily modern, psychological

astrology, and involves a frivolous and distorted

approach to the science.

Astrology that's largely for entertainment only

(although usually not presented as such) includes,

for example, Sun or Moon sign horoscopes, and

readings done by astrologers who commonly promote

falsehoods such as, "...(numerology or) astrology isn't

predestination or things play out is going to

be up to you," stated to cover a refusal to do in-depth

delineation, or mask an inability to do accurate


Some popular modern astrologers even go so far as to

offensively suggest escapism, wishful thinking, self-

fulfilling prophesies, and a failure to take responsibility

for one's actions and life in response to the idea that

some astrologers and numerologists (like us) say it's

possible to measure and outline personal fate (i.e.,

impart the general inclination of fate, and frequently,

even precise future circumstances and events). Worse,

they deny that fate exists, and also deny the reality

that varying degrees of unavoidable adversity (which

is also measurable) in people's lives serves a divine


The truth is that their form of astrology or numerology

isn't about predestination or fate and that original ancient

predictive astrology and numerology are absolutely about

predestination and fate.

It's ironic how fully embracing the concepts of karma and

fate is directly related to taking responsibility for one's

actions and that much of the modern astrology found

today offers mainly an escape from the hard realities of


Reviewing Sun Signs, Moon Signs, or any other individual

aspect without considering the rest of the charts' contents

and patterns within those charts, will only give you surface

insight. It tells you virtually nothing about the reality of the

personality, or the compatibility between you and another


For example, the Sign of Aquarius is considered to be

relatively harmonious with the Sign of Sagittarius. If

you select ten random people with Aquarius Sun Signs

and match them with ten people with Sagittarius Sun Signs,

it's entirely possible that none of them will get along with

each other. It's also entirely possible that all of them will

get along.

The best romantic matches for a Libra Sun and Cancer

Moon combination, for instance, depends entirely upon the

health of the respective planets (strong and well, or involving

afflictions including planets in detriment, badly aspected

planets, weak house placement, retrogrades, etc.), their

rulers and the health of those rulers, along with the rest

of the several hundred aspects, and patterns comprised

of those aspects, throughout the comprehensive charts

of each person.

It's possible for a person with a Libra Sun and Cancer

Moon, for example, to have wonderful compatibility with

a person with an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon, both


Oppositions are commonly considered to involve poor

compatibility, but sometimes very close oppositions

(opposing planets that are very tightly aspected by a

degree or two, within the compatibility charts) offer

more reward than challenge, especially if the remaining

composite contents are harmonious.

Oppositions are as follows:

Aries is opposed to Libra.

Taurus is opposed to Scorpio.

Gemini is opposed to Sagittarius.

Cancer is opposed to Capricorn.

Leo is opposed to Aquarius.

Virgo is opposed to Pisces.

Conjunctions, same sign combinations, represent

intensification of the sign's energy, and is sometimes

positive and sometimes negative. Generally, it's a

"hard" aspect, and not as easy flowing as trines and


Although we feel that modern astrology places too

much emphasis on Ptolemaic aspects, it's good to

have an understanding of them.

The basic, major Ptolemaic aspects include oppositions

(180 degree angle), conjunctions (0 degree angle),

squares (90 degree angle), trines (120 degree angle),

and sextiles (60 degree angle).

Square aspects are combinations of signs that are of

different elements (see below), like Taurus with Leo,

and generally indicate challenge and tension. Trine

aspects are combinations of signs that are of the same

element, such as Scorpio with Pisces (both water), and are

generally agreeable. Sextile aspects are combinations of

signs that are of compatible, but different, elements such

as Cancer with Virgo, or Leo with Libra, and are also

generally favorable.

If you accept the trivial approach of reviewing only the

Sun and Moon signs, which might offer a preview at best,

then it's good to look at the elemental combinations of the

signs for some basic awareness.

On the surface, fire and air are harmonious, and earth and

water are harmonious. In addition, each element commonly

mixes well with itself (fire and fire, etc.).

Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

A surface approach will involve Libra Sun, Cancer

Moon compatibility with an air or fire Sun, along with

a water or earth Moon, but that's just the beginning.

If you want to go a little deeper, yet still not get into

comprehensive analysis, considering the nature of the

sign is also helpful (Fixed, Mutable, or Cardinal), as is

considering the masculine or feminine nature of the sign

(fire and air are masculine, and earth and water are


We also strongly recommend contemplating each

person's personal timing when considering compatibility.

Personal timing, comprised of scores of short, medium,

and long-term continuous and non-continuous numerological

and astrological cyclical timing methods, regularly

symbolically makes or breaks relationships. The collective

cycles can be divided into groups that are the basis for

pattern recognition.

Two people can seemingly have nothing in common aside

from their current personal time cycles (some as short as

a day, others as long as many years), and when those

time cycles change, the relationship changes, or even


It should be noted that we understand that it is possible

for someone who has strong, solid psychic ability and a

good, general understanding of astrology to successfully

use Sun and Moon signs exclusively as psychic touchstones.

But few have this talent where they can get consistent,

accurate reads without a comprehensive approach.

Again, an astrologer must consider all comprehensive

charts in determining compatibility, along with the

comprehensive timing charts, and not just the Sun and

Moon signs if one really wants to uncover existing

compatibility. Again, we have found that you also must

consider the comprehensive numerology charts, along with

handwriting analysis (subconscious fears and defenses, etc.),

if you want a high level of accuracy.

A skeptic saying that they "...don't believe in astrology,"

to us, is a reasonable and understandable statement if

they have only been exposed to Sun Sign astrology,

which is the basis for most astrology horoscopes today.

Comparing Sun Sign astrology to an in-depth analysis

as referred to in the above paragraphs is like comparing

conspiracy theory half-truths to confirmed CIA intelligence.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980?s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Astrology - An Overview

The term astrology gets thrown around for a lot of different things, but what is it really? According to the dictionary, astrology is the study of planets, sun, moon, and stars with a belief that they affect the course of a person's life. They list astronomy as an obsolete definition of astrology. This is very different for those of us that believed astrology was the study of astronomy.

Now astrology includes the sun signs which are more commonly know as your horoscope. In actuality horoscopes are a reading per sun sign that is based on the location of the planets, sun, moon, or stars for that day, week, or month. Every person who provides horoscopes has their own unique twists on writing them. The sun signs therefore are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Your sun sign is then based on the day that you were born. Sun signs are the most familiar component of astrology but not all astrologers rely on them.

Some astrologers look more to birth charts when they are helping someone answer questions about their future. Birth charts are in fact considered so important that they have their own branch of study under astrology called Aspects. In its simplicity, an Aspect is a relationship between two planets on the day and at the time you were born. Within the Aspect study, the sun and the moon are also used not just the planets. It should also be noticed that Pluto is still a planet for people that were born before Aug 24, 2006. In fact Pluto was an important part of birth charts so don't be surprised if some astrologers are still using Pluto as a planet for people born after Aug 24, 2006. No matter what scientists say, Pluto is still out there doing the same things it was always doing. Birth charts are commonly used to get a picture of your whole life, past and present as well as future. Numerology is another study that is often used with astrology. Astrologers have developed a prediction of some traits of a person based on the date that they were born and not just what sun sign the birth date lies within. It uses aspects of numerology to offer meanings of the specific day within a month. This prediction is more accurate when it is combined with birth charts and sun signs. By using month and date numerology combined with the primary star on that date, they can create a list of compatible and non-compatible dates throughout the year for each person. It isn't as accurate by itself but it can be used as a quick guide to different things. Astrology is then the use of sun signs, birth charts, and numerology to predict someone's life path. Some astrologers predict world wide events and not just events in the life of a single person. A full prediction is so much more than a simple horoscope. If you paid for a complete birth chart than you will get a picture of your life based on mathematics and the degrees that planets were to each other when you where born. This is so much more than someone simply telling you your future. The formulas used in a birth chart have been around and have been perfected since the Middle Ages. In fact some historians mention generals and great warriors that wouldn't go into battle without consulting their astrologer to see if they would win first. Many believe that Egyptians were the first astrologers that preformed predictions as early as 3,000 B.C. Astrology and their calculations have been around far longer than many people know.

The Chinese zodiac is a part of Chinese astrology is used by many astrologers. Instead of being based on the month and day like the twelve sun signs, the Chinese zodiac is based on twelve years. The animals that represent the twelve years are a dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, roster, dog, boar, rat, ox, tiger, and hare. Although by using only the Chinese zodiac, astrologers are missing some of the bigger parts of Chinese astrology which includes the Yin and Yang.

Astrology has been around for many years and it is still very important in some cultures. Within typical Western cultures, astrology is a fortune telling tool or used to predict people's journeys through life. Astrology is also often used to establish if two people are compatible or exactly what kind of person someone should look for. As all things in life go through cycles, maybe astrology is on an upswing and will once again become a more trusted science in the future as it was in the past.

My name is Jennifer Schroeder. I am the owner/director of a GLBT caregivers website,, under my company JenDee Cares, LLC. My passion is writing but I also enjoy reading and video games. I like to write articles about different things that I have encountered or studied within my life so I am many topics inside of me waiting to be written. If you have any questions or comments about any of my articles, please send them EzineArticles or one of my sites listed above.

Astrology and Health

Astrology comes as an offering where relation between astrology and health is talked about. There are so many aspects of health, so many questions regarding a healthy life style that every individual seeks an answer to.

Astrology in health is one field which sees a maximum of people clinging to. People have so many questions on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and they find resort to all such questions in astrology. Astrology services are greater than before and have succeeded in attracting people with health queries. People want an astrological answer to almost everything, reason being the aura that astrology reflects in entirety. For almost every individual, health is foremost and they think that astrology can give best health tips and can play an important part in their wellbeing.

Any trouble that people might be facing regarding health, they feel that astrology can provide the best solution. They go to any extent to find astrological solutions to their problems. This cannot be termed wrong considering that fact, that people have been raised with certain faith in astrology and they traditionally believe it to be the best. In the modern day, people are also finding workable solutions from online astrology. Internet provides an answer to almost every question and people are taking online astrology seriously.

Everyone is concerned about his or her health because it matters a lot, rather it is everything. Therefore, they resort to astrology for a healthy lifestyle; they find solutions in astrology regarding healthy workplace, for that matter. All this has increased drastically with coming of online astrology services. They strongly feel that online astrology is gaining importance with changing times with contracting time. They do not hesitate when they can easily find astrological solutions online. Many people feel that they do not have any control on their health and however hard they might try; they cannot change such habits, as supposed to affect health. Therefore, they need an astrological assistance in improving their health.

People believe that astrology services can provide solutions that will help them lead a healthy life full of fitness. Many of them are of the view that their deteriorating health poses a lot of problems at the professional front so they find a solution in astrology and business. This can provide them with ideas that can create a healthy atmosphere at workplace and increase the capacity to work. Such services can lead them specify their traits toward a particular food activity or fitness routine in order to get the maximum benefits that lead to a healthy life.

People have a belief that position of stars matters a lot in leading a healthy lifestyle and they can repose while they leave it to astrology in providing solutions to a healthy life.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

What You Don't Know About Astrology - Planetary Retrogrades

Astrology is an experience that is as old as the universe itself. It is the study of the planets, moon and sun in our galaxy, their positioning in the sky, and that affect on Earth and its inhabitants. Astrology has been used to determine the behavior of people individually as well as collectively. It also has been used to determine when natural disasters will occur, and has even been said to have predicted terrorist attacks. But while most people know the basics of astrology, such as your basic personality traits based on your Sun Sign (i.e. Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, etc.) or even check their daily horoscope, which is based on planetary alignment on a particular day, many don't know the more specific aspects of astrology and how they affect our lives. One of the aspects that have a great influence on daily life are planetary retrogrades. But before we touch on the effects of this unique aspect, let's first visit the concept of astrology a little bit more.

What is Astrology?

Astrology, sometimes confused with astronomy, is defined as "a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs in which knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters." Some believe that to know astrology is to know yourself. Often times, when an astrological birth chart (a chart that maps out the planetary alignment at a person's date, time and location of birth) is presented to someone, they become dumbfounded at its accuracy. But a birth chart is just the beginning of the wonder of astrology.

There are various aspects of astrology that claim to not only be able to accurately define who you are from past astrological planetary alignments, but can also predict the direction you will move in career-wise, who you are likely to have love and marriage with, and even if you are accident-prone, have an addictive personality, or even have a propensity towards violence. Astrology also is used to predict future events on a mass level, using the planets and moon to determine a generational tendency toward love, peace, spirituality, violence, growth, etc. One way the astrology is studied is through the various ways that planets have a large influence on our lives.

The Planets and Astrology

To understand planetary retrogrades, you must first understand a planet's astrological affect on a person's behavior. In astrology, there are actually 10 "planets" instead of nine. These planets are the Sun and Moon, as well as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - Earth is excluded because this is the planet we live on. Each planet embodies its own "personality" that in turn affects each human's personality. For example, Mars is viewed as the planet of war, and when a person is under a sign that is ruled by Mars (ex. Scorpio), then that person is said to have a tendency toward violence more so than a person whose sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love.

Also, under the realm of planets and astrology is the idea that at different times of the day, month and year, as the Earth is rotating around the Sun, so are the other planets. As all of the planets are rotating and placing themselves in different positions around the Sun, some become more prominently influential to humans than others. For example, if we are currently in the month of November on the 15th day, we are being influenced most by the sign Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars. This means collectively, human kind might feel a bit more aggressive, passionate, competitive and ambitious - this is especially true for Scorpios. The basic idea is that planetary influence is very powerful, so what do you think happens when these planets that are already powerful when in their normal cycle appear to move backward? We'll find out be looking at planetary retrogrades.

Planetary Retrogrades

As explained earlier, planetary retrogrades occur when a planet appears to move backwards. This, of course, does not actually happen, but instead there is the appearance from the view from Earth that it is moving backwards, and when this happens, there is said to be a significant influence on the Earth's inhabitants astrologically. Basically, whatever was occurring on Earth before these planetary retrogrades, are now happening in reverse. This means happiness could lead to sadness, peace could lead to war, and love could lead to hate.

Depending on which planet is in retrograde, you could possibly see huge change in your life. This is because the planets rotate at such varying cycles around the Sun. The planet that seems to have the greatest influence on the planet due to its large number of planetary retrogrades is Mercury. Mercury is, of course, the closest planet to the Sun, and completes a full cycle every 88 days, as opposed to Neptune, which takes over 160 years to cycle. Because Mercury cycles so often, it typically has three retrogrades, as opposed to the other planets that only have one.

For some reason it is during the Mercury Retrograde that it seems things typically go wrong in everyone's life. You might lose your job or get into a car accident during this time. You might also find that your plans just don't seem to pan out, no matter how hard you work to organize them perfectly - your life seems to be completely out of your control at this time. It is not your imagination; if everything seems to be out of whack, it is possible that we are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde. The other planetary retrogrades have significant influence, but not as much so as Mercury's, which is why many people cringe when they know it is coming.

All of the planetary retrogrades are definitely worth exploration more deeply, as well as astrology as a whole. Often times you can look at your life and wonder why you act the way you do, or why events occur in a seemingly coincidental fashion, but if you look at aspects of astrology like Sun Signs, planets, and planetary retrogrades, you might not only get a better grip on what has occurred, but also understand what might occur in the future - and who couldn't use that kind of guidance?

Jeffrey Meier at Jam727 Enterprises at blog offers even more detailed information on a wide variety of topics.

Pointers For Free Astrology Reading

Free astrology has affected and still continues to play a role in a lot of people's lives. We can never ascertain as to how in depth the consequence free astrology had in people's daily activities. Ever since the earth began to revolve, and men walked the earth, people have been turning to the stars for answers. It may have been spurned by the fact that whenever something good happens to us, we look to the heavens and thank God and when the exact happens, we also look to the sky and ask God why. Some people claim that interpreting signs in the heavens have helped them reach life-changing decisions, and these people thank the heavens for it. Astrology has been practiced by almost all races, the Indians, Americans, Asians, Eastern Europeans, et cetera.

Astrology is hinged in the central belief that positions of celestial bodies in relation to each other can reveal pertinent information about an individual's personality, affairs, and other matters regarding that person. The person who practices astrology is called an astrologer. They maintain that movements of the sun, the starts, and the moon has a big correlation with our daily lives, hence they interpret it and publish it as horoscopes. And what's more, these heavenly bodies movements does not only give out predictions of the future but also retelling of past events. And free astrology is generally associated with superstition. In fact, faith in astrology as described by the National Science Foundation is supposed to be pseudoscientific belief. And before, only a small line runs between astronomy and astrology. However, through the years, astronomy veered away and is know described as the empirical study of celestial bodies in a scientific manner and is totally devoid of any connections with astrology.

"By looking up, I see downward". That is how Tycho Brahe summarized his studies in astrology. At some point, astrologers were even confused as to the correlation of the stars and the events down here on earth. Some astrologers argued that the celestial bodies are what cause events to happen and they are not harbingers of things that will happen. Free Astrology when used for prediction has two main methods. Astrological transits refer to interpretations of celestial bodies as they move while in astrological progressions, predictions are based on set methods. There are main traditions utilized by astrologers of today and they are:

• Chinese astrology

• Western astrology

• Hindu astrology

There are other types of such as:

• Mayan astrology

• Egyptian astrology

• Babylonian astrology

• Arabian and Persian astrology

Grab the latest updates about astrology compatibility by reading about free astrology. Check on the links provided for more information.

Approaching the Astrologer - Part 1 of 3

There is a simple reason why most people generally cannot tell the difference between astrology, palmistry and psychic services. They never had the opportunity to be educated in it. Most people just never see themselves trying to read up in order to know more about these subjects. So they never get the best of astrology or the astrologers. Thus people don't know enough to talk about astrology yet they can't stop NOT talking about what little they know about it. Well no more. By the time you go through this article, you should be in a better position to relate to an astrologer more effectively.

To begin with, every astrologer needs to have the following minimum data: your sex at birth date birth time and birth place. Any astrologer doing your birth chart without these would not be doing astrology. It's just the basics. It's astrology. With palmistry you offer your palm. With astrology you offer your birth particulars. If your astrologer doesn't ask for them then he might be using some other model for his predictions but it won't be astrology. He might even be pretending. Also the sad part is if you don't have this data then don't go to astrologers. Go to a psychic or some other diviner using other models for their prediction. So do you have your birth data? Check this out first before you even search for an astrologer. And you should have them as reliable as possible because the honest astrologer's work will only be as reliable as the data that you provide him to work with.

The basic idea of needing your birth particulars is because he needs to calculate the astronomical positions for the time that you were born. How did the galaxy look like? That is what the horoscope is about. So the astrologer uses the birth particulars so that he is able to see the configuration of the planets in the zodiac during the precise moment of birth. Astrology uses the picture of the galaxy at your moment of birth as its model to make predictions. Candle-reading diviners use the "configurations" of the melting wax of the burning candle to "see" the things that they interpret into their predictions tea readers see how the tea leaves position themselves at the bottom of your cup to make their predictions and astrology uses the galactic configuration of the planetary bodies for its predictions. So imagine what happens when your astrologer does not get reliable birth particulars to work with? He simply does not get to see the accurate picture of the galactic configuration during the subject's actual birth moment and he simply would not be able to reliably relate what he sees to your true life experiences. So what do you want to do? You want your birth particulars (especially your birth time) as correctly possible.

Now one of the most riveting things in any personal horoscope is what we call the Ascendant. This is the precise degree in the chart that is the "moment of physical birth" based on the time and place of birth you provide. So aside from accurate birth time you want to give the accurate place of birth as well. So the place of birth should be as accurate as possible as well. Knowing the town will do. But if the town is not on the map then give the closest town on the map in order for the astrologer to obtain the latitude and longitude of the birth place. That's why he needs to know the town in the first place. But if you can give him the latitude and longitude of your birth place straight away he won't complain.

What happens if you don't even know your birth date? Then really don't go to an astrologer unless you're ready to go a lengthy process called Birth Rectification. That might take hours if not weeks plus a lot of interaction with you to confirm your most likely chart. What the diligent astrologer (difficult to find them for free) would have to do is to keep on fine-tuning some of your horoscopic positions. He would probably start by placing your ascendant somewhere he thinks relevant and with that he'd try to read the chart as a whole and see if it fits with your life events. If it doesn't or he thinks it's not conclusive enough he'd continue adjusting the chart with other "what if" positions. This part of the work is so specialized that some astrologers offer this service only to other professional astrologers who need this work done for their very important clients.

About the author: Dr Agni has been using astrology for 37 years and has taught astrology for free since 1986, every week, till today. He is adviser to the Institute of Astrological Science, Malaysia, with its website at

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Learn Astrology

There are several institutions and astrology gurus who teach Astrology online. Besides learning Astrology through self-effort by reading astrology books and magazines, you can contact one of the online teachers or institutions and learn astrology. You only need to log on to Internet and you will find numerous offers to teach you astrology online. These people send the astrology lessons online for their students to study. They also hold periodic tests and award the certificates on successful completion of the course. You do learn a lot by studying online.

It must, however, be noted that no amount of self-study or online learning can take the place of learning astrology from a guru. If your astrology teacher is also a psychic, which usually the master astrologers usually are, it would mean adding luster to pure gold. A psychic astrologer is a multidimensional personality. Besides making mundane mathematical -astrological calculations, he uses his psychic and spiritual powers to predict the future of his clients. In this way he confirms the correctness of his astrological predictions through his psychic abilities such as intuition and clairvoyance. In fact he uses his supernatural powers at every step while casting a horoscope or interpreting the movements and positions of the planets or the houses through which they pass.

So, if you are lucky enough to be accepted for tutelage by a psychic astrologer, sit at his feet and learn astrology. He will teach you how to develop your intuitive and spiritual powers in interpreting the astrological and astronomical data for most accurate prediction. In fact an experienced and exalted astrology master may ultimately bless you by mentally transferring his psychic powers to you if he finds you studious and faithful enough to deserve his blessings. This is how the ancient Indian gurus, the original precursors of the science of astrology, used to teach their students and finally transfer their entire knowledge to them.

There are many gurus of astrology in India, read more of these Famous Indian Astrologers from our website.

Joy and Happiness has been involved in the Psychic World for more than 10 years now. She loves to help people develop their skills and help serve humanity throught he use of her Psychic Abilities, Energy and Powers.

Please visit her website at

Future Predictions For Your Benefit - Astrology Predictions 2010

Many people regard astrology as a superstition and believe it is not in reality a science. But this is not true. It may be difficult to believe, but the precision with which certain astrological predictions were made has given astrology the status of an art that can be utilized to forecast the probable happenings in the near future. Astrology can also envisage the past that made a huge impression on your life, family, career, love and married life. On the whole it has great importance in our lives.

The exactness in your horoscope would make the difference between the ordinary reading and the excellent one, because eventually it is going to help people in taking the correct decision. If you select Blue Moon, the accuracy will be visible right from the starting of your reading to the very last piece of work. A number of happy customers have observed that their horoscopes from Blue Moon aimed at exactly what they wanted to know and helped them in making important decisions in life towards starting new things to have some changes in their life in due course.

Any expert astrologer can offer the following predictions after analyzing your horoscope:

Planetary Positions And Their Effects

Your Career And Financial Prospects

Your Relationships

Level Of Collection Of Money In Your Life

Areas From Where Money Can Be Brought In

Any Combinations/Habits That Make Money Issues Negative For You

Periods Of Highs And Lows etc...etc

There are several varieties of astrology such as Vedic Astrology, Indian Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Western Astrology, Egyptian Astrology etc. Practically, all these versions of astrology aid the people of the region and country of their origin to forecast their future, horoscope matching, careers etc derived from the location of the stars at the time of the event. Indian astrologers consider that there is a significant connection between the times of birth of people and the qualities they inherit. Hence taking the clues from an astrologer, people can recognize and predict the kind of future they are going to have in time.

Astrologers can help you guess what kind of days is lying ahead. What will be the play of time with you? What new avenues are going to open for you to change the wheel of life? What about your love life? How well will you run your business this year? What will be your health conditions during the year? Astrologers can give answers to all these questions by matching business astrology, health astrology, career astrology, horoscope matching etc. Once you try the astrology predictions you will be able to know about its magic and the forecast it would make about your future life. You will definitely be surprised by the accurate prediction that the astrologers can make.

We at astroans are continuously working on our astrology to serve you better. We have with us most experienced of the astrologers who have gone through thousands of horoscopes collectively before making any predictions for you. Check us out and explore yourself at Astrology predictions.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Practicality Of Vedic Astrology - Take Charge Of Your Own Destiny Using Vedic Astrology

Another year is drawing to a close and most of us find ourselves looking back over the past twelve months, reminiscing what might have happened if we had had the courage to start that new job or had the foresight to have seen what a terrible year it had been financially. What to speak of that awful relationship, that you just knew was going to be the love of your life! If we are always worrying about the past, thinking it to have made the present not fulfilling, it will do just that.

A good Vedic astrologer could have foreseen all of these things. The use of an astrological horoscope is meant to be practical, not something that is mystical and obscure. The astrologer gives you a tool, an invaluable map that will help you to make those important decisions. It will help you to make fewer mistakes and better choices, in all areas of your life. We can make plans and set goals to achieve success in all spheres of our lives. An astrological chart gives us a cosmic prognosis, which can be obtained with an accurate birth time, place of birth and date. Just as a physician comes to the conclusion of the likely course and outcome of a disease, the astrologer can predict how aspects of our lives will develop, give us the timing to sit things out and wait or strike while the iron is hot.

The Vedic birth chart should cover all aspects of life:


∑ Vedic astrology can foresee probable ailments and weaknesses in an individual's chart. To be forewarned is to be prepared and allows the situation to be avoided or reduced. For instance you may have a weak chest or lungs, so smoking would not be a good idea.

∑ By looking at the astrological chart we can determine what metabolic type you are (eg. Vata, Pitta or Kapha) as is often used in Ayurveda.

∑ Mental and emotional health, are often a cause of frustration for those that practice allopathic medicine. Badly placed planets can sometimes cause severe depression and remedial measures unique to Vedic astrology are often used.

∑ It can empower us. and stress can be alleviated just by knowing what you are dealing with.


∑ Before getting into a serious relationship, compatibility charts can be done to ensure good compatibility before committing. Do you have the same goals and aspirations? Will you be best friends as well as lovers?

∑ For those who have been in a long-term relationship that is growing sour, the astrologer can interpret the qualities and attributes each partner has and what buttons not to push. With adequate counseling a relationship can be saved. Alternatively, if the partnership is doomed, having the charts read can give the individuals confidence to move on with their lives.

∑ We often think of compatibility charts being done for marriage, but they are also done for potential business partners, as well.


∑ A Vedic astrological chart will indicate strengths, weaknesses, and propensities when deciding on what career to follow.

∑ Parents can have a child's chart done and see their talents before they even start school. If the child is very artistic, they may feel lost if pushed into mathematics or science and vice-versa.

∑ All is not lost if you are 30 something and wished you were doing something else. The horoscope will indicate what you would be happy doing, it is just up to you to take the leap of faith! Emphasis is put on "happy", for what is the point of being in a well paid job if you are miserable?


India is the birthplace of Vedic astrology, where in the ancient Indian scriptures it is considered an Absolute Science, which is proved by the movements and actions of the Sun, Moon and the other planets within our solar system. Astrology is a combination of science and metaphysics, brought together to make a cosmic map that involves planets, mathematics, skill and considerable expertise.

Vedic Astrology or Jyotish (Science of Light) uses the Sidereal Zodiac, which is using the fixed constellation of stars called Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc., as a backdrop to calculate the positions and movements of the planets. This is also what astronomers use in their calculations.

Western Astrology on the other hand, uses the Tropical zodiac, which is based on the premise that the Sun will be at zero degrees Aries annually on the 21st of March. The Tropical system was created (based on the equinox), about 1900 years ago, when the Sun was actually at zero degrees Aries. The assumption was made that the Sun would return to this position every year on the spring equinox.

The Earth takes approximately 365 and 1/4 days to orbit the Sun. It is astronomically impossible for the Sun to be at zero degrees Aries every year at the time of the Spring equinox. Therefore, after many years of discrepancy there is about a twenty-three degree difference between the constellations and the signs of the same names. This makes the Tropical system completely inaccurate for predictive purposes from a natal horoscope.

The Vedic system, said to be over five thousand years old, takes into account a phenomenon called (in Sanskrit) the Ayanamsha. This is the gradual rotation of the Earth's axis over thousands of years. Called the precession of the equinox, it is central to modern astronomy, as well as to Vedic Astrology. This means that the actual positions of the planets are constantly getting further behind the "imaginary" tropical placements. Vedic Astrology is based on a very old, unbroken tradition since time immemorial whereas Western Astrology has had a very checkered history.

Astrology virtually disappeared in the West during the Dark Ages (circa 500-1000AD); it resurfaced during the Renaissance, only to fall out of favor during the so-called Age of Reason. In fact, it totally disappeared from the European continent until the late 19th century. It had been kept barely alive in England during that time. Western Astrology as we know it today has existed for about 130 years only when it began a resurgence. The point is that the Vedic tradition is very strong and vibrant, with the heritage of many millennia of accumulated knowledge, whereas Western Astrology does not have the advantage of an unbroken tradition and is based on false mathematical assumptions, not scientific/astronomical facts.

The birth-map, or horoscope, is also a symbolic representation of the Earth, planets, and stars at the time of one's birth. It is a divine language, a mystic cryptogram by which the Creator has communicated what a person's destiny will be in the present span of life. To understand one's destiny is to be able to direct oneself towards success in all areas of life.

Howard Beckman (Hamsavatar das) is a director of the Vedic Cultural Fellowship and Pecos Valley Yoga and Ayurveda Center. He was trained in India for over a decade and has been a practicing Vedic Astrologer and Planetary Gemologist for over 30 years. He is the author of three leading books on the Vedic Sciences and is recognized as the sole gemologist in the U.S., who is also expert in the field of Vedic astrology and gem therapy. His most recently manufactured Balaji GL108 Navaratna Gem Lamp combines all of this knowledge and is the latest most innovative technology available on the market today. Being considered one of the world?s foremost authorities in both jyotish and ayurvedic gem therapy he is often consulted by other Vedic astrologers and ayurvedic practitioners for opinions and recommendations of gems for their clients. Howard still consistently travels and works dividing his time between the US, the UK and India, as well, as maintaining a busy astrological practice seeing clients from all over the world, and does many consultations for clients by telephone and mail.

Vedic Astrology - The Science Of Light

The understanding of Vedic Astrology is quite different from how we understand astrology in the West. Vedic Astrology is considered the holistic knowledge of the universe, and its existence. Its origin can be traced back to 6000 years. The four Vedas, Yajur Veda, Rig Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda - the Scriptures of ancient India - are full of information on philosophy, spirituality, religion, art and science. The Vedas provide a complete way of life. They are full of knowledge on all facets of life. Vedic Astrology is also called Jyotish or the Science of Light. It found first mention in Rig Veda.

Vedic Astrology goes a long way in helping to resolve the problems of life. Karma, as we know, is the reward or punishment for our actions. Vedic Astrology rests on one of these fundamentals, and the Vedas consider it very important. Our Karma is collection of all that has happened to us in our lives. This takes into account both our past as well as present lives. A horoscope based on the Indian (Vedic) system of Astrology reveals the past (which is unchangeable), and what is coming in the future. Astrologers who follow the Vedic tradition of astrology consider the horoscope to be a draft of our problems, our talents, and attachments, in addition to our tendencies. It also tells us how good Karma can be accumulated.

How Vedic Astrology Came About

The knowledge behind Vedic Astrology came about 6000 years ago. Despite beliefs by other schools of thought, Vedic Astrology predates the Western system of astrology by a long shot. The written proofs left behind by the Vedic astronomers display that the rising and setting of the planets and the stars were due to the movement of the earth. Whereas, until the medieval times, Europe still believed that the Earth was flat and stationary! The sages in those ancient pre-Vedic times and later in the Vedic times, during the state of super-consciousness, had intuitive visions that made them understand things beyond what we know today. In their wisdom, they recognized that the Sun and the various planets influence everything on Earth, including humans, at every level. Their vision allowed them to recognize life beyond past, present, and future.

All this knowledge and pearls of wisdom collected by these visionaries and sages were codified into laws, and this is the basis of the practice of Vedic Astrology. Paravidya (Supreme Knowledge), Aparavidya (Knowledge of Relative Truths) and their quest is what Vedic Astrology is all about.

Vedic And Western Astrologies

The Vedic Astrology is Sidereal. According to it, the Zodiac is associated with 27 constellations. The Western Astrology on the other hand is Tropical - the sky being divided into twelve equal parts. The charts, too, look quite different - circular in the Western system, and square in the Vedic one. In each system, the astrologers calculate the horoscopes differently, since the planets in both the charts are associated with different group of stars. This does not mean that one of them is wrong. The sun sign though may vary in the two systems. While in one system it may be Capricorn, it may be Sagittarius in another!

Ambrosia Knight is an author for Astrology Questions. A resource website exploring horoscope, tarot cards [] & chinese horoscope. Discover exciting information you will never read from daily horoscope reports on newspapers. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised reading about your sign or of those people you know. Visit Astrology Questions [] for all your astrology related questions.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Are Astrology and Healing of Ailments Interlinked?

We come across many references in the Indian ancient literature regarding relationship between astrology and probable timing of ailments. Prescriptions for treatment of disease were also done with the combined help of astrology and Ayurveda. Many classics proclaim that the expert medicine-men of the past were also expert astrologers.

At that time, the only system of medicine known to man was Ayurveda. There were some other systems akin to Ayurveda outside India also. All systems depended on plant and animal species, stones and other materials for preparation of medicine. The Allopathic and the homeopathic systems developed after a long time and both were aided by laboratory tests and research. The same degree of accuracy cannot be claimed for diagnosis of a disease on the basis of the horoscope of an individual. However, a relationship exists between the timing of a disease and planetary influences which a competent astrologer can find out from a duly-cast horoscope.

The practitioners of Ayurveda in the past took help from astrology in these matters. Vedic astrology is unique as it advocates remedial measures in the form of propitiation of planets also in the event of occurrence of a disease.

Many such matters have been discussed in detail by Dr. K.S. Charak in his book "Essentials of Medical Astrology". Dr. Charak is a practicing surgeon with an F.R.C.S degree from U.K. He claims in his book that the knowledge of astrology becomes very useful for diagnosing and treating ailments and for finding out the probable timing of the occurrence of a disease.

Vedic astrology can help in the following manners.

Probable timing of the disease: An astrologer can time the onset of disease even before the occurrence of the disease by seeing the planetary combinations in the horoscope and by using the "dasa" system and the transit. This is the area of strength for an astrologer which a doctor may not be able to do. An astrologer can also predict about the type of disease and the organs likely to be affected by the disease.

Diagnosis of disease: Astrological classics do point towards combinations which can cause specific illnesses as per the horoscope, but, this can be better done by a doctor. An astrologer can provide valuable inputs at times. However, the area of diagnosis is the strength of the medical practitioner. In this field they seem to score over an astrologer.

Severity of disease: This area can be handled by both astrologers as well as doctors. Astrologers can understand the severity of the disease by judging the degree of affliction of planets causing the ailments and by cross-checking the result with the ongoing "dasa" and prevalent transits.

Treatment: The medical remedies of today are far more superior and reliable compared to astrological remedies. However, astrology can help as a preventive tool. It makes an individual aware about the problems in advance so that he can take preventive steps. He can take steps for diluting the impact of the disease by resorting to methods prescribed by astrological classics. Such methods are sometimes very useful. Surgical operations are also not 100% successful and views of competent astrologers can be taken in such matters. Medical practitioners can be consulted after the onset of the problem.

Author Biography:

Anand Sagar Pathak is a famous astrologer, who has written a number of articles on various sections of Astrology like Horoscope, Spirituality, Religion, Tarot Card and Angelic Reading and many more. He is master of his skills especially in Astrology Consultation, Astrology Compatibility, Career Astrology, Astrology Charts and Astrology Forecasts etc. At present he is working as a program coordinator at

For more information and more articles please visit us at

Introduction to Hindu Astrology

The sacred literature of the Hindus, known as the Vedas is divided into two categories. They are,"Shruti (revealed knowledge)" and "Smriti (the practical application of the eternal principles)". The discipline of Hindu astrology or "Jyotish (astronomy and astrology)" belongs to the latter category (ref. 'Self-unfoldment', book by Swami Chinmayananda).

The Hindu astrology is also known as the Vedic astrology or Indian astrology. The Hindu culture is inherently intertwined with astrology, which is not unlike the ancient cultures such as the Greece, with its Oracles of Delphi or the Mayan civilization, with its widely mentioned Mayan calendar.

The origins of the Hindu astrology is dated as far back as 6500 B.C.

With the birth of internet, it is only becoming easier for the modern mind to demystify the spiritual wisdom of the Hindu astrology, that runs through the sinews of the culture.

One of the experiences in studying Vedic sciences, is the logic and structure that goes with it. If you are scientific, Indian astrology will allure you to study it, perhaps even in its depths.

However, through a little perseverance, any one can get comfortable with the basics of the Hindu astrology.

Even the most rational among us, have at some point, wished we knew what our future is meant to be. Or, in a better way, had we not wanted to know what choices of ours would create our best future? Had we not desired to know why and how some situations are personally challenging and, whether and when we can turn it around?

The purpose of astrology is to address, on our behalf these internal enquiries. Gaining an insight into how it serves this purpose can be beneficial and worth the effort.

Astrology works on the basic premise that each one of us are one with the cosmos. So what happens inside of us is reflective of what happens in the heavenly bodies - with its planetary positions, planetary behavior and the constellations. By studying the external functions, we learn to understand and work with our inner universe.

The three main components of the Hindu astrology are the Nine Planets (Navagrahas: In the Sanskrit language, Nava indicates Nine, Grahas indicate the Planets), the twelve Signs (Rasis), and the twelve Houses (Bhavas). "The positions of the planets in the signs and houses are depicted in what is called the Horoscope." (ref.

Moon (Chandra):

It is significant to note that the Moon takes the position of planet in the Hindu astrology. We all know the crucial role our mind plays in our lives. Mind creates our reality. Moon is used in the Hindu astrology as the representation of the human mind.

Sign (Rasi), Birthstar (Nakshatra):

The twelve constellations or the zodiac signs called the Rasis are also further divided into twenty-seven (27) parts, known as the Birthstars (Nakshatras) or the Lunar mansions. The Birthstar (Nakshatras) of a person is the star in one's horoscope where the Moon is placed. Similarly, one's zodiac sign (Rasi) is the sign in which the Moon is found in one's chart.

Houses (Bhavas):

All of the Houses combined are representative of the whole of our life, with all its experiences. Its twelve parts are indicative of the twelve areas that make up our life. Each of the houses belong to one of the four qualities of life. They are, Purpose (Dharma), Material acquisition (Artha), Desire (Kama) and Spiritual liberation (Moksha).

Each of the components are archetypal energies with unique meaning attributed to each one of them. The dynamism of each of these energies (eg. Planet, Sign, Planetary movement) and how to interpret them along with the interactions between them, is what makes the vehicle of astrology capable of directing one's life.

So one can learn about one's own life by learning to interpret the chart. You can also get a free astrology chart and report online at

The Hindu astrology is so thoroughly laid out that is also known as the predictive astrology. For example, Gautama Buddha's father was given the prediction that his son will either become the king of the world or a saint.

As resourceful and fascinating as the discipline of astrology maybe, it is always pointed out by good practitioners of astrology that there is another important factor that awaits to be honored simultaneously. Will (purushartha) is a unique capacity of the human species. Applying one's will, as we do moment by moment, consciously or unconsciously, either guided or unguided by astrology, creates one's future.

About me: I was certified completion in the 'Sacred Contracts' course, by the CMED institute in 2008. If you are looking for intuitive consultations for personal growth, please visit

Astrological Choices - Astrological Lore, Its Relevance and Practioners

Astrology is an amazing body of information handed down through numerous generations for literally thousands of years. Through several millenniums astronomy (the measure) and astrology (the interpretation) were one body of information. What started as a combination, with the two sciences treated as one, lasted until fairly recently (the last 300 years or so). Recent history shows the physical sciences began their codification and separated from those elements of their origin which were more speculative in nature. Astrology was commonly practiced in other scientific fields beyond the mere measurements of astronomy as well. A few examples should illustrate some of these broad applications.

· Astrology was an important tool for the medical profession and a doctor who did not know astrology was thought to be lacking, perhaps unworthy of his title.

· Mythology is the history of mankind told as story and parable. Astrologers fully used this mythological symbolism to illustrate their readings. Carl Jung, a modern day psychiatrist/psychologist thought that astrology was the psychology of the ancients.

· Agriculture still relies on lunar and solar cycles. Almanacs from some of the earliest records depict the lunar cycle in some of the oldest human artifacts and cave drawings.

· The courts and kings of countries from all over the world relied on their astrologers for counsel to their rulers and for the start and outcome of warfare. The astrological scholars of those days were expected to be right every time. That is particularly difficult to do unless your name is God. History illustrates that false counsel and error could, and did lead to death. That would give you pause, would it not?

· Some countries and cultures revered their prophecies and predictions and others reviled them. Why? Do you suppose the ruling class and religious institutions might have feared the power of prophecy and the people who had the capability to predict the rise and fall of a king, a country, or a religious order?

As with any human endeavor or practice, astrology has waxed and waned in interest and is continually subject to change and revision. What is suitable for one country, environment, climate, culture or philosophy might not be suitable for another. For example, what worked for a waterfront culture might not work in the mountains. Once upon a time these local forms were isolated to one location. Since the advent of world travel and the blending of world cultures, these once distinct practices have been merged. Over the centuries, there has been a sorting and triaging of measurements, techniques and interpretations that has developed.

Evolution requires a constant updating and revising of all fields of human endeavor and astrology is no exception. Science, astronomy, medicine, or law must grow and change or become a stagnant pool of old and useless information. The softer human subjects such as religion, philosophy, education, psychology and yes, astrology, must grow, change and develop as our planet and our human races grow, change and develop. We cannot continually repeat the old teachings ad infinitum, or stagnation or devolution would occur. Progress and change is necessary to growth and evolution. The universe itself is progressing, changing and moving constantly and we must keep up or be left behind.

There are always tried and true principles at the core of any practice. There are principles that do not really change with time or experience, such as gravity. The Sun is believed to be a hot, large gaseous body that exerts gravitational control over our solar system. This principle contains a basic truism we rely upon whether looking back 1000 years, in the present, or a 1000 years in the future. Unless something specific happens to change our minds, that principle has proven to be a pretty reliable belief worldwide.

Other word choices to describe the Sun might not be as universal as those few concepts. For example, if you are in a desert country, or on Earth's equator, your experience of the Sun will be different than that of an Eskimo. Your concepts and interpretations will be different as well. Take that same concept and apply it to any other human practice. Individual experience creates perceptions and we move forward in life based on our developing perceptions. That statement is true of an individual, a group of people, a continent, a world, or for all the subjects we could list.

It is important that as astrologers we recognize the compendium of human experience that is the body of astrological lore and exercise discernment and discretion as to what is appropriate and what is not appropriate to each experience and individual. It is important that since life is continually changing and evolving that we as astrologers keep pace with the change and with the evolution in all phases of life. Each new experience, each change, each discovery, and each modification must be incorporated into that compendium we call astrology.

Astrological interpretation is subject to the skill of its practitioners. We must learn for ourselves what works and what does not. We must examine, develop and contribute to the overall body of knowledge. In short we must expect the best from ourselves. We must respect the same in others and expect their best efforts in return. We must root out discrepancies, error, misuse or blatant dishonesty if we should ever encounter it in ourselves or in others. We are students, readers, researchers, teachers and guides. As such, we should always strive to act in the highest and best interest of those whose lives we touch. We must reach for this excellence not only for our individual clients, but also for the highest and best interest of our subject, astrology, and for those who will follow us down through the centuries.

Skepticism is not new to astrology, it has been with us the whole ride, Skeptics are not going to go away just because we would like them to or we are uncomfortable with them. Skepticism, when viewed objectively, can be positive and constructive and will keep us honest. Of course some skepticism can be very negative, be without foundation or be just plain mean. There are always people out there who just love to rain on other people's parade. If you believe in what you say, in what you read, in what you study, or what you believe, be prepared to stand your ground. If you don't believe in your work or your study of that work, you can be an instant victim of those who deride what they do not know or understand.

An opinion is just that. It is not automatic or ultimate knowledge. Those who have not studied may feel they are entitled to an opinion, as uninformed as it must be by their simple lack of knowledge of their subject. It does not matter what that subject is. Those who fancy themselves as scientists or scientific in principle or practice, fall into that same category. If they are uninformed in the study of astrology, it is just an opinion. A title or an educational degree does not ever make you knowledgeable about every subject. If you have not taken the time to study fairly, or to investigate and research properly, a degree or title only gives a loftier opinion, not an expert opinion.

As an individual, I am free to discuss whatever subject I choose. If I want to be taken seriously it is always a good idea to identify my skills, experience and knowledge base for that specific subject if I expect to act as a skilled or credible advocate/detractor. As people, if we don't know, we could easily admit that we don't know. Do you know how difficult it is to come clean and admit something like that for most people? Humans have a built-in knee-jerk reaction to certain subjects (we all have them), or they merely repeat or parrot what they have heard or read without any personal knowledge. Astrologers are people. Astrology is a subject. Both develop over time, through trial and error. Some astrologers fizzle - some blossom - some get very full of themselves and start believing their own press and publicity - and some are humbled by the opportunity to help others or contribute to the body of information. How each individual uses knowledge is a moment-to-moment choice and can get away from us if we are not careful.

Astrology as used for an individual reading will only be as good as the skill, motivation and attitude of the astrologer. The chart can be right (accurately cast) and the reading can be wrong (personal skill and choice). Besides, it is much harder to predict than it seems. At times I have been very, very right but I've also been wrong over the many years of my study and application. I would not have stuck with this study of 35+ years unless I saw a return on my investment of time and effort. However, I am still in school and will continue to be until I draw my last physical breath. So I will win some and I lose some, as all of us do.

Where are you in all this? Are you excited about what you are learning? Are you excited about the self-help tool astrology can be? Are you excited to share what you are learning with others? Can you live with the fact that not everyone will be interested, will listen or will follow your viewpoint? Can you keep a lid on your ego and identification with your successes? Can you learn that failure is part of learning and that at times it might seem like two steps forward and one step backwards? Can you develop the ability not to throw the baby out with the bathwater if you make an error? Can you learn that doubt or skepticism encountered at moments in your development should not defeat your overall goal? Can you revel in your successes and take your failures in stride? If yes, hang on and enjoy the ride.

Marilyn Muir, author, "Presidents of Hope and Change: Bringing Hope to our Future by Reaching into our Astrological Past." How astrology predicts our nation's future by reaching into our past.

Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama... The Lineage of Hope
Using the influential and interwoven cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto to predict issues and trends up to 2012 and even beyond to 2025, Ms Muir leaves us with the clear message of hope as she depicts the future of President Obama at the helm of the USA ship of state.
Read the first 36 pages (PDF) including the charts of all four Presidents - you'll get hooked!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Astrology Explained: History and Common Types of Astrology

In 2009, Harris Interactive polled more than 2,300 adults and found that 26 believed in astrology. An estimated 53 percent of people who read a newspaper or magazine with an astrology department will read their horoscope and maybe the horoscope of a significant other. Fundamentally, when you talk about astrology and horoscopes, you are referring to a set of beliefs in which a persons birth date combined with the movement and position of the sun, moon, planets and stars on that date can predict and explain character traits and matters of destiny. There are three main types of astrology commonly practiced today including Chinese, Vedic and Western astrology. There are also multiple ancient astrological theories and beliefs that have died off with the civilizations that invented them.

Chinese Astrology
Chinese astrology, which can be traced back to the 2nd century BC Han Dynasty, combines two theories of thought Chinese philosophy and astronomy. Chinese philosophy arises from the idea of harmony between the earth, the heavens and water and astronomy is the study of stars and constellations. Believers in Chinese astrology posit that a persons fate can be determined by the alignment of planets and their relationship to the sun, moon and other celestial bodies at the time of his or her birth. Based on this theory, each individual is assigned a zodiac animal that rotates on a 12-year cycle.

Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology is a relatively new name for an ancient philosophy, also known as Hindu or Indian astrology, documented in early sacred Indian scriptures. Vedic astrology is based on light patterns believed to predict an individuals fate. Unlike western astrology, Vedic beliefs suggest that karma and luck are predetermined based on celestial formations. In Vedic astrology, a persons natal chart maps his or her exact moment of birth by the alignment of planets, which is represented by signs of the zodiac. A reading of an individuals chart can reveal personality and life events.

Western Astrology
Western astrology, which can be traced back to before the 2nd century AD, is partially based on a four part book by astrologer Claudius Ptolemy titled Ptolemys Tetrabiblos. For the most part, western astrology is a type of fortune telling or interpretation of a persons life. A horoscope, which means, to mark the hour in Greek, refers to a personalized chart that represents the position of the sun, moon and planets at the moment of an individuals birth. Most horoscope readings found in American newspapers are based on western astrology.

The zodiac, which is divided into 12 constellations, provides insight into a persons daily life and unique talents. To construct a western astrological horoscope, a reader converts an individuals time of birth into universal time and calculates the exact location of the sun, moon and planets. The astrologer then does a number of different calculations to determine the placement of the planets with respect to the horizon and can determine the houses in a persons birth chart. The first house of an individuals horoscope represents identity, appearance, well being, attitude and temperament, health and physical traits. What is described here, however, is a far deeper process than the average horoscope for today found in newspapers and internet horoscope sites. What most people know about astrology is their sign, which refers to one of 12 different arrangements of stars, the sun and moon on the zodiac. To determine a persons sign, you simply need a birthday. This form of astrology is the most simplistic and feeds in to the notion that astrology is for entertainment and amusement.

Courtney is a young professional who is constantly learning about herself and the world. Currently, she is educating herself on astrology and possibilities of what life may hold. She hosts websites which have educational content, videos and resource links.