Saturday, May 17, 2014
What is Real Astrology?
Astrology is all about the Earth's relationship with the planets and all of the heavenly bodies above and how their movement and 'interactions' affect us and the environment here on earth. Each planet symbolizes a certain force or energy as do each of the 12 zodiac signs, They are constellations, which are 12 bodies or groups of stars that surround the Earth. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Your Astrological Chart:
Your astrological chart is like a photograph of the universe at the exact time of your birth. Everything in the sky both above and below the horizon is thought to effect the individual born 'below'. Most astrologers deal primarily with the sun, the moon, the planets, and the constellations (or groups of stars) their position in the sky - their relationship to each other and their positioning or angles to you. Some astrologers when compiling an astrological chart will include the fixed stars and some still may even include the asteroids too! No two astrological charts will ever be identical. Your own personal astrological chart or any other astrological chart ever 'drawn' is as unique as your finger prints.
Your Star Sign:
When people refer to their 'sign' they are (know it or not) referring to which of the 12 constellations or groups of stars that surround the earth that that the sun was transiting (moving through) at the exact time of their birth.
Real Astrology:
What you might call 'real' astrology goes far beyond your sun sign or the horoscopes that are so prevalent in newspapers and magazines worldwide. Such horoscopes are far too generalized and fanciful to be of any real use to anybody and most have reached a point of pure titillation with perhaps some 'real' or even useful astrological facts in amongst the pseudo-astro banter. Though usually written by real astrologers "horoscopes" in general do real astrology a grave in-justice as most horoscopes (but not all) are now written purely for the large sums of money that the mass media is prepared to pay for these now entertainment only star signs'.
Richard helped devise and set up the astrology website dedicated to demystifie astrology and the esoteric making it easier to understand and more accessible to all. If you wish to know more about astrology please see Your Self Above All Others
Or if you are interested in Vedic (Indian) astrology read more at
Friday, May 16, 2014
Bothering Issues With Astrology
It is indeed a strange thing that we believe in Astrology for ages and yet it is subject to challenges by the so-called 'scientific-minded' and 'rationalists'. Hypocrisy, on the part of my astrologer friends is the root cause of this state of affairs. Very often we come across articles in print media and programmes on TV channels criticizing Astrology for its 'non-scientific' notions. However, it is sad that the same news papers or the TV channels do not stop astrological columns and shows. If we allege astrologers for exploiting people's sentiments; the media also cannot spare themselves from the blemish of playing with controversial issues for the lure of increasing number of readers or viewers.
I have been a student of Hindu Astrology for many years, at least more than 27 years. During my experiments, I studied different schools of Astrology. However, my logical mind could never fully convince on certain aspects and precepts of the subject. I don't claim to be an authority on the subject and it is quite possible that my efforts have not been sufficient to reach up to perfection. In the wake of increasing level of scientific education, I feel that there are challenges before astrologers. Here are a few of them. I am of the opinion that we should have bodies to look into these issues and resolve them so that dignity of the subject can be enhanced. Healthy discussion on following points are welcome:
(1) If we believe that fate, 'Prarabdha' is a sum total of un-rewarded Karma, the horoscope being an indicator of our Karma balance-sheet should show the status of such 'unrewarded' karma at the time of our birth. Let us assume that a native seek astrological guidance at his age of 25-30 years. At this point of time, let us assume; the astrologer suggests some remedies to mitigate the bad influence of Rahu in the horoscope. The native, accepting the recommendation, performs the remedies. Now, let us assume that the same native seeks astrological guidance again at his age of say, 40 years. Here, the questions arise:-
(1.a) What way an astrologer can know about the portion of 'unrewarded' karma availed after his birth and before the time his chart is examined for guidance?
(1.b) What about the rewards of the karma performed after the birth till the time of horoscope examination. There must be some karma that would fructify during this life span itself. Do astrologers have any system to accommodate the influence of the karma performed during this life?
(1.c) How can an astrologer determine whether the bad influence of a planet has been resolved through remedies prior to examining the chart?
(1.d) Does the horoscope get modified upon performance of such remedies?
(2) There are other issues related with ambiguity of our belief in the theory of Karma and Astrological Remedies. 'As you sow, so shall you reap' and that there's no exception. No one can escape from the fruits. A person has to suffer for bad karma and has to avail benefits of his good karma. No adjustments are permitted. No one can claim discount from suffering against his outstanding rewards of the good karma. So, putting together of 'theory of karma and astrological remedies' seems illogical. If we believe in efficacy of theory of Karma, we cannot believe in efficacy of Remedies..!
(2.a) How can we believe in Astrological Remedies if we believe theory of Karma?
(2.b) How can the results of bad past karma be removed by mere performing some funny remedies?
(3) There are further issues related with theory of probability and astrological predictions. We know the concepts of permutations and combinations. If the order doesn't matter, it is a Combination. If the order does matter it is a Permutation.
Now, if we apply this to horoscope interpretation; we have following results -
(3.a) In a horoscope, we have 12 houses and 9 planets. The results will be - 108 possibilities (12x9)
(3.b) We have 12 different signs. So the possibilities would be - 1296 (108x12)
(3.c) We have 27 Nakshtras. So the possibilities would be - 34,992 (1296 x 27)
Don't forget, this is yet limited to 'Lagna Kundli' alone. Think of the possibilities where we consider 'Rashi Kundli' and 'Hora Kundli' and all those Shadvarga Kundlies. Thus, there are innumerable combinations between different sets of horoscope elements and it is indeed very easy to formulate astrological factors being responsible for any event. Post-event justification of any happenings through astrological formulas would be quite easy. However, it is not so easy to predict an event with the same set of formulas. The same result would not be seen in other horoscopes having the same planetary combinations. If we assess this situation honestly; we have to admit that beyond astrological factors, there has to be other factors responsible for an event to occur.
On the one hand, I have personally witnessed the Nadi astrologers disclosing the names and other basic details about the natives so accurately. On the other hand, there are many fallacies practised in the name of astrology. I have worked tirelessly on many astrological methods and formulas and yet to be honest, not able to endorse even a single formula to correctly know:
(3.d) whether the gender of the native is male or female
(3.e) whether the native is alive.
On my path to self-actualization, I developed interest in Vedic Astrology. It is more than 27 years now, I have been sincerely indulging in analyzing various dimensions of Astrology. I try to co-relate and synchronize the ancient astrological principles to the needs and format of the current society.
Besides Astrology, I have also laid my hands on various occult and mystic subjects. My interest has thus spread to other subjects like Palmistry, Tarot, Psychic Readings, Reiki, Face Reading, Astral Projection etc.
'Helping People to Help Themselves' has been the guiding force for me in all my endeavors.
My website:
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Western Astrology - How to Find an Expert Astrologer
In this short article I will describe how to find an astrologer using the internet. If you search you will see that there are thousands of astrologers offering their services. Not all of them can meet your needs. You have to find one that you will know is the right person. This of course, depends on your feelings and instinct.
When you are looking for an astrologer you must first decide what type of astrologer you would like to find. There are experts in western astrology, Chinese or Indian astrologers etc. Depending on your style choose the type of astrology system that you feel it affects you the most.
Then visit a major search engine. Let's say you are looking for a Chinese astrologer. Enter the term "Find Chinese astrologer". If you look for an expert in western astrology then just enter the term "Find astrologer".
When you search using the method above you will encounter two types of website. First of all the major astrology directories. There you can search for astrologers by last name, by location, by specialty etc. You will also find information regarding astrology conferences (see next paragraph). The other type of website are personal websites that belong to individuals who offer astrology services. Sometimes when you choose a freelance astrologer you will encounter more determination from their side to please you. Be careful who you trust though.
A different approach in finding an astrologer would be to attend international or local astrology conferences. First get involved by searching where the conferences are held (online search for "astrology conferences" or a term related to your city or town), then attend them if you can and maybe you will be lucky enough to meet the astrologer that will make the difference for you.
If you are not willing to trust someone you don't know then you can look for a local astrologer. Look for local yellow pages, read newspapers and magazines. There must be someone out there who can be trusted and who can do the work for you. It is better when someone from your city or town gives you their advice or create a horoscope analysis. You feel you are somehow "connected" with them.
If you were looking for a real expert astrologer then you found him. Now you can have astrology consultation on a personal basis. No computerized results. Your birth chart analysis is prepared separately from others. A complete personality reading that could give answers about job-career, love life, match making, lost objects, stock position, tide predictions, elections and more. An analysis of the impact of all planets at the time of your birth. All the important aspects of your horoscope. Only traditional methods used.
Will There Be a Ring for Ashley Olsen Too?

Share a free sample 2014 Numerology Forecast.Make 2014 your best year ever! Get a free overview including your Personal Year Number!
As a Gemini with a Leo Rising and a Virgo Moon, Ashley isn’t a girl to follow anyone's lead. While she is happy for her sisters, she's on her own timeline and seems more driven by her Virgo Moon, as she always keeps her love life out of the spotlight but her career in the forefront. The stars are on her side now for love, with passionate Mars in her house of romance for a long stay, which could boost her luck in her relationship or her creativity. Having just received the honor of a nomination by the Council of Fashion Designers of America for Accessory Designer of the Year for her line with Mary-Kate, The Row, she's likely to push more towards her creative aspirations than her relationship. Plus, with the impending Jupiter transit into Leo, this will be the year the serious sister takes on success in a more independent way. If love happens to be in store, it's sure to be number two on her priority list.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Maryland Mall Shooting
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The long-lived Pallas-Pluto trine/parallel has bought us yet more violence. Here's how the Bloodbath Formula appears in the start this weekend's mall shooting in Maryland. It's very similar to the configuration for the recent violence in Africa.
1. Pallas trine/parallel Pluto: power overcomes ethics.
2. Venus septile Neptune: value liquefied.
3. Venus conjunct Pluto: value destroyed.
4. Pluto septile Saturn (ruler of Sun and Venus): destruction again.
5. (optional) Mercury conjunct Part of Fortune in the Tenth House. Prominent Mercury.
The Venus station this month is very close to Pluto, and Venus will be in orb of Neptune for much of that time. We may see even more incidents while these factors are in play and Pallas is still in range of Pluto.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Kunming Bloodbath
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1. Pallas sesquiquadrate Pluto: ethics corrupted.
2. Venus novile Neptune: perception of value diluted.
3. Pluto conjunct Venus and septile her ruler Saturn: value destroyed.
4. Sun sextile Pluto: death in the spotlight.
Jupiter in Cancer the MC provides a hint that the attack may have been racially/culturally motivated, as authorities claim.
Astrology is often not a very scientific discipline, and is often subject to the whims and biases of the astrologer. The effect of Pallas-related configurations, however, seems to be quite measurable. When Pallas or her sign ruler aspects Pluto, is blocked by a discordant aspect from Jupiter, or is drained by the South Node, we often see humankind at its worst.
Monday, May 12, 2014

Pallas/Ethics: Pallas is parallel the Sun, but trine South Node and sextile Pluto which is conjunct the North Node. This suggests probably solid ethics in infancy, but increasingly more corrupt with time.
Venus/Economics: A mixed picture with Venus trine the North Node (positive/capitalist) but widely opposite Neptune and ruled by Mercury which is quindecile Neptune. The Neptune/Venus connections along with the debilitated Pallas suggest the potential for theft.
This aforementioned quindecile between Neptune and Mercury, the aforementioned debilitated Pallas, and Neptune quincunx the Sun suggest a capacity for shadiness and deception. Again, not so much in the early days of the entity but increasingly with time.
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Here is the same chart, with transits for the most recent outage (which many consider to be the death-rattle for the exchange).
Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square directly across the MtGox nodal axis. Bad publicity (Jupiter on the SN), disruption (Uranus), and death (Pluto on the NN) in a way that has permanent karmic repercussions (the nodal axis in general).
Transiting South Node is quincunx MtGox Saturn: a loss of authority/structure.
Transiting Pallas is quincunx MtGox Jupiter (ethics made public) and trine the MtGox Pluto (some ethical considerations regarding power/money/death?).
Transiting Mercury is quincunx MtGox Vesta (news regarding investments?). Mercury is now conjunct the Bitcoin Chiron (a point which always seems to indicate a price drop).
Transiting Moon is conjunct MtGox Ceres. Ceres is still a mysterious body, but we've seen another chart involving a sudden shocking loss in which the Moon and Ceres are together.
Should MtGox die or fade into obscurity, many will mourn an institution which helped Bitcoin into the limelight, but the Bitcoin ecosystem itself will benefit from the jettisoning of a non-functioning component.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Russia is far from a libertarian utopia, and I harbor no plans to move there. Nevertheless, these recent trends are significant and merit examination.

The time and date of birth for modern Russia is disputed. This chart is one of two proposed charts for the first raising of the new Russian flag over the Kremlin. It seems to be fairly descriptive of the regime.
Pallas: On the authoritarian end of the spectrum, Pallas is widely conjunct Pluto. This moves the needle at least a bit towards authoritarianism. On the libertarian side, however, there's quite a bit: Pallas is also conjunct Mercury, more closely than to Pluto. Jupiter, ruler of Pallas, is trine the North Node and square Mercury. Compared to most sizeable regimes, Russia appears to be relatively benign with a tendency to continue in that direction over time.
Venus: Moving Russia to the economic Left is a number of factors. Venus sesquiquadrate the South Node. Mars, co-ruler of Venus, is at the midpoint of Venus and Neptune. Mercury, ruler of the 2nd House, is quincunx the South Node. Because of the relatively decent Pallas placement, however, extreme economic controls are astrologically unlikely. Russia seems to allow her market to function somewhat, and boasts of low unemployment.
Moon: The Moon is in the 1st House on this chart, and forms aspects to much of the rest of the chart. This suggests that race and culture are very much in the forefront of the national psyche. The Moon herself is widely trine the North Node, indicating something of a culturally conservative element. The South Node, however, is in Cancer and forms a quincunx with Mercury, ruler of the Moon. Neptune forms a sesquiquadrate aspect with the Moon. The persecution of homosexuality in Russia, recently in the news, is probably a symptom of the cultural clashes indicated here. In the long run, the liberals appear to have an overwhelming advantage on this chart: should the regime live long enough, it may come to resemble the US in terms of cultural liberalism.
The Bowl: All the major planets on this chart reside in the lower hemisphere. In contrast to the aggressive Soviet Union, modern Russia seems content to defend her own turf, support her allies, and stay out of the limelight for the most part.
The overall picture for this chart: light-Fascist, perhaps, to begin with, moving towards a not very heavy-handed Leftism over time. Again, not exactly a libertarian paradise, but Russia compares favorably in the long term to the USA. It's interesting, then, that Vladimir Putin is currently in charge. His chart, which we may view in the near future, leans quite a bit to the Right.
By the way, the South Node is transiting over the MC of this chart, Jupiter is transiting over the South Node of this chart, Pluto is transiting over Uranus of this chart (ruling the Seventh), and Saturn is transiting over Pluto of this chart (ruling the Fourth). This suggests: bad publicity, more bad publicity, power struggles with other nations, and significant land/infrastructure challenges. Clearly the regime should have hired an astrologer before planning to host the Olympics for this year.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin: de-facto "Czar" of Russia and in many ways the most impressive current head of state in the world. Rising from being a suspected murderer and terrorist as an officer in the KGB, he has since been the very model of an effective-if-autocratic right-wing leader. It was during his first premiership and presidency (1999-2008) that Russia's economy grew by nearly triple and her status as an energy superpower became clear. He has since continued to demonstrate qualities including strategic restraint and masterful diplomacy which are lacking in other world leaders.
Positive: Pallas quincunx and widely parallel Mercury, and sesquiquadrate Venus which rules Mercury and the Sun.
Negative: Pallas quincunx Pluto and ruled by Jupiter and Neptune which both aspect Pluto. These factors subside over time because Pluto is conjunct the South Node. A typical "whistleblower" configuration: the chart leans to the authoritarian in youth but becomes less so over time. This would be consistent with the suspected youthful terrorist who becomes the relatively reasonable elder.
Capitalist: Venus parallel North Node.
Economic-Leftist: Venus ruled by Pluto which is conjunct South Node and sextile Neptune, and by Mars which is trine South Node.
Unclear: Venus widely square the Nodes. Second house ruler Jupiter square the Nodes.
Wishy-washy or conflicted configurations often end up on the Right/capitalist end of the spectrum, and I suspect the Venus/NN parallel overcomes some of the other factors.
Conservative: North Node on the IC. Pat Buchanan also has this, hence the feeling of kinship.
Liberal: Moon is ruled by Mercury which is conjunct Neptune. Fourth House is ruled by Saturn (which is conjunct Neptune) and Uranus (which is square Neptune).
The North Node apparently overpowers the other factors, but again: conflicted configurations usually end up on the Right.
Bloodbath Formula
1. The anti-Pallas features are listed above.
2. Economic-Leftist features listed above.
3. Pluto rules and is widely square Venus, trine Venus co-ruler Mars, and square Second House ruler Jupiter.
4. Pluto septile Sun (which is ruled by Venus: see point 3).
Whether or not Putin was a mass-murderer/terrorist in his younger days, the chart suggests he could have been but is not likely to be one now.
Other Factors
Pluto at the MC: power/authority.Pluto trine Mars in the Second House: great physical power "on display" (as Noel Tyl often describes Second House planets).Pallas square Mars: high dexterity and/or command of physical action.Moon ruled by Mercury which is configured with Pallas: fighter/martial-artist.Pallas configured with both Moon and Pluto: a "James Bond" type -- elite military or covert operative potential. Mercury/Venus at the Ascendant: diplomacy.Sun/Saturn/Neptune/Mercury stellium in the Twelfth: perhaps a highly idealized public image of power/authority which may hide something a bit different.Uranus in Cancer in the Ninth square Sun/Saturn: populist elements in his domain publicly rebelling against his authority.
I'm a libertarian (surprise) and don't believe in imposed authority. But if you're going to have imposed authority, you could do far worse than Vladimir Putin. I suspect he will continue to avoid all-out war as long as the West doesn't force him into it. If he is allowed to peacefully hold the (strategically vital and ethnically Russian) region of Crimea against Western-funded national-socialist and other forces, I doubt he'll push his way into the rest of Ukraine.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Abraham Lincoln

This a chart for Abraham Lincoln, probably the most-celebrated President in United States history. Americans, especially liberals, love Lincoln for ostensibly ending slavery in America and for representing the ideals of a modern, free, democratic society. Being that we know that a person's political ideology and ethical structure are apparent on the astrological chart, it would seem that Lincoln's chart should shine brightly with the light of the astrological Pallas Athena.
Indeed, Lincoln's chart sport a prominent Sun-Pallas conjunction on the Ascendant. Pallas is also widely conjunct Mercury by 12 degrees, and the Sun is parallel with the expansive North Node. This bodes very well, but we would be remiss if we stopped here. Some disquieting factors draw our attention. Pallas and the Sun are in Aquarius, ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. Uranus is conjunct the North Node -- good for Pallas, but US Presidents with this conjunction have had a tendency to kill extremely large numbers of persons (think Obama, Bush II, and Clinton). Saturn, the other co-ruler, is quincunx the energy-draining South Node. Uranus is trine Pluto and Saturn is square and parallel Pluto. On top of all of this, the Sun is also quintile the South Node. What appears to be at first a highly libertarian chart turns out to be quite authoritarian-leaning.
The Neptune-Venus trine suggests a leaning towards something other than capitalist economics. The North Node trine Mercury, ruler of the Fourth House, suggests a cultural conservatism -- but this type of aspect combined with a debilitated Pallas often comes with deep racism. Can this be right for the chart of a Great Emancipator? In fact, the entire chart picture is not that of a great champion of freedom, but is more typical of a modern Neoconservative, a 20th century Fascist, or an early American Progressive: authoritarian, racist, and economically controlling.
On top of this, Pluto's aspects to the co-rulers of the Sun and sesquiquadrate with Mars, ruler of Venus, completes the Bloodbath Formula. This is the chart of not only a horrible political personality but a potential killer.
Either my astrology is wrong, the birth data is wrong, or the mainstream history of Lincoln is wrong.
Expendable, and going: Pathfinder Session 2 Report
The party may not be stupid, but they are expendable, and they are going.
The party returns to Sirith for a nights rest and a little shopping [1]. Saella summons them the next morning to assign a mission.
As the party passes the council room they hear an argument about their expendability, and the likelihood of surviving the next job. At least one council member would like to hang on to the party a little longer, but they can’t oppose the Guardian.
Within a shielded, warded, room Saella provides a more detailed briefing. There is a major incursion [2] to the north east that Saella will have to deal with, and Saella needs the attention of the mole diverted away from her actions.
This is accompanied by an apology: the party were told of the mole in order to become that diversion. Part of the diversion is a new assignment to clear out some dark fae in the forest to the south west, and to find out why the good fae have been disappearing.
In essence, the party are now Saella’s lightning rod.
In other words: Saella may be sorry, but the party is expendable and the party is going.
It turns out that Saella may have travelled beyond the Ring Mountains at some point, and confirms that it isn’t the mortal plain out there anymore. Asmodeus is believed to be planning a major assault, and the current events with the mole are a prelude to a siege.
Although if the mole can succeed in splitting the unity of the three cities, a siege wouldn’t be necessary…
The party are introduced to Kara, the hunter who reported the dark fae. Whilst the dark fae are around the forest is cut off as a supply of food. The forest is two days march away, and Kara also mentions a halfway house that is no longer used.
The tale revolves around people disappearing, blood everywhere, and creepy dolls being left behind.
Treffen knows of devils that take the form of dolls to lure children to their dooms. Kara vaguely remembers a child receiving a strange doll from a high ranking individual but can’t remember anything else.
The hunters will carry provisions for the party.
At this point the party chose to expand the mission from clearing the fae from the forest to clearing the fae from the forest and restoring the halfway house for the hunters to use.
On the march to the halfway house Yangrit briefly catches sight of a gold homunculus flying high above the party.
The party arrives just before sundown.
The party promptly entered the house, closed the door behind us, and started searching. The expected mayhem ensued with a doll devil and three imps.
This was a well handled fight – the close quarters worked to the party’s favour as it enabled flanking combined with Menander granting Precise Strike via the Cavalier’s tactician ability.
I was quite pleased with how effective Menander was at buffing the party between tactician, inspire courage, and casting Cure Light Wounds. I don’t think Menander even drew his sword at any point.
This was a battle where “engaging the enemy more closely” was the primary thing on the minds of Kalmar, Yangrit, and Ferus, and it was certainly successful.
The fight got strange towards the end when a doll like thing that wasn’t the doll devil proved to be an intelligent, talking artifact of immense power.
It basically compelled Menander to pick it up whilst the fight was still running.
Things got interesting once Yangrit knocked the doll out of Menander’s hands and the party started talking to it. In essence the doll is a true neutral creation of the fae that wants to maintain the “normal balance” of nature.
The current situation is not normal, so as long as the party are fighting the devils the doll is likely to be at least somewhat supportive [3]. For the moment Treffen will be the one carrying the doll about and talking to it most of the time.
The doll is also aware that a recent fight went very badly for Saella, to the extent that Saella may not qualify as a paladin anymore. How the doll knows this from well over a day’s march away is almost as worrying as the news itself.
Contact with the doll triggered the party’s ascension to Mythic status.
Whilst the fight was still running the Big Bad turned up outside but fortunately didn’t attack. Mostly he was there to gloat and Greater Teleport out. According to the doll the Big Bad is known to the devils as the “Son of the Prince”, and commands respect if not outright obedience from pit fiends.
The Big Bad is also the mole on the council, but no one recognised him as such, and has at least 5 homonculi running in parallel
In terms of how powerful this makes the Big Bad right up into the “Aieeeee! Run away!” levels.
As noted above the party have been raised to Mythic status, and also to third level.
I’m now hoping that this will slow down a little. From now on I’d like to have at least two or three sessions at each level, particularly levels in which mythic tiers are granted.
Menander is a buffing character, over time he will be acquiring a list of special abilities longer than my arm. The less time I have to assess the abilities for each level, the harder it will be to play them effectively. I suspect that this may be true of most of the party, with the only likely exception being the Two-Handed Fighter Yangrit (which is a relatively simple build).
The session itself was a lot of fun, the group remained focussed during the combat sequence and worked well together.
Next session should see the party advancing to the forest to tackle some dark fae. An open field fight should provide a different set of challenges, and one that I need to test Menander in.
In the meantime, here’s a first look at the third level version of Menander. I’m still finalising the Mythic elements, but I’m definitely leaning towards the Marshal’s path.
Interestingly one of the Mythic Path abilities is Loyalty which would give Menander a 1st level cohort right now, but I won’t switch to that unless Caitlin authorises it. It would be amusing though.
[1] A very little shopping, no loot has been forthcoming thus far. I think a couple of spell component pouches for those who now have magic was the extent of it.
[2] Incursion is a defined term in this world: it means devils in at least company strength. Nasty.
[3] That doesn’t sound particularly reassuring. I’m sure that’s how Caitlin likes it.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Composite Mars Square the Composite Nodes: Relationship Deal Breaker?
If you want to know how a relationship will manifest, look at the composite chart. It’s the final word on how, or if, you and your partner will create a union. Which brings up the question of composite deal breakers. Are there any red flags that guarantee a relationship will not work out? Well, there’s no guarantees. I believe that, if you and your partner are ready and willing, you can encourage a relationship (whose time has come) to reach its full potential. But the fact remains that some relationships face major obstacles, and those obstacles are immediately apparent in the composite chart.
›› Get your customized composite report for insight into how the planets play out in your relationship.Composite Mars square the composite North and South Nodes is an aspect that can appear when there is a strong desire for you and your partner to be together, but external circumstances create blockages. The composite South Node represents the relationship’s incarnation in a past life, and the North Node is the relationship’s path forward. Any composite planet squaring the nodes points to the reappearance of past life obstacles. When composite Mars is involved, there seems to be an extra level of challenge. Mars represents the actions you and your partner take together, and your sexual energy as a couple. When it squares the nodes, this action/attraction seems to go against the current. There is something about the relationship that was (in a past life) forbidden or inappropriate. And it was the sexual component (Mars) that made it inappropriate. In this life, that sticking point is repeated, although not in exactly the same way. Relationships with this aspect have a great deal of difficulty getting off the ground. They may manifest as a brief fling, long-term affair, or unrequited attraction. But there is something preventing the union from gelling into a complete commitment, where both parties are free to be with each other.
For example, composite South Node in the 4th House (home and family) suggests that in a past life, you and your lover were part of the same family unit. In this life, it will feel natural for you to be together; there will be an immediate comfort level. But let’s put composite Mars in the 1st House, square the nodes. The composite 1st House is your identity as a couple — who you are together. Mars in this house will give the relationship a definite, external thrust. You and your partner will not be shy about announcing yourselves to the world. But the composite North Node is in the 10th House, which represents how you fit into society’s rules. With Mars in the first house, the stumbling block can manifest in the form of your mutual identity being unacceptable to the society you live in. This can take on different forms, depending on the signs involved. Maybe you’re both married to other people, and your marriages are well established and respected. You both want to be together, but one or both of you is reluctant to stir up the public disapproval that would result from divorcing your current spouse(s). Your path forward (10th House North Node) to standing up as couple in society (and not just tucked away at home) is blocked by your mutual identity. In your past lives, maybe you were together, but ended up as outcasts because your union was frowned upon. Or, maybe you were brother and sister-in-law, but (for obvious reasons) couldn’t express your love for each other publicly.
Is composite Mars square the nodes a deal breaker? Not necessarily. But it will be a fight for this relationship to manifest fully. And it’s always a good idea to double-check if the relationship is in the best interests of both parties. Sometimes the fallout from the union would be too destructive. Also, much depends on the natal charts of you and your lover, plus the rest of the composite chart. For the above example, let’s stick composite Uranus (liberation) on the composite MC, square Mars. This gives you and your love a powerful ally in the form of the rule-breaker planet, powering up your North Node, and pushing composite Mars into overdrive. When you’re together, you won’t care about fitting in. Composite Uranus on the MC ensures that you will create your own rules, convention be damned. This relationship is meant to cause waves. On the other hand, if we put composite Saturn (limits and rules) close to the South Node, the pull of those past life limits may be so intense that this relationship will never go beyond a strong, mutual attraction that’s not acted on. Saturn will be blocking that composite Mars with a hard square, keeping your mutual impulses in check.
Sometimes there are no composite planets aspecting the nodes or Mars, but you and/or your lover have charts that encourage conformity. If you cheat on your spouse, but have natal Venus square Saturn, you may stay in your marriage out of duty or fear. If your partner has a natal planet square, conjunct or opposed composite Mars, they will be reluctant to push forward and make the relationship official. They might have suffered persecution or violence (in a past life) as a result of their union with you. In this life, those echoes will trigger fear every time they consider committing fully to the relationship. Even if there is no threat of violence or persecution in this life, the leftover energy can trigger a strong, visceral reaction.
If you and your lover/crush/potential partner have this aspect in your chart, it’s not a stop sign carved in stone. But, there is a significant challenge that the two of you will have to get past. Sometimes the relationship is worth fighting for, as long as you both want the same thing. But sometimes, you’re better off leaving this one for another lifetime.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Scorpio Compatibility
Sun in Sagittarius wants to spread his wings, while Moon in Scorpio wants to dive deep. Their conflicting urges will make it difficult for these two to create a mutually satisfying relationship. However, both have a penchant for exploration, albeit on different levels. If they can agree to disagree on their approaches, this couple can create a bold union that will take them further than they could go individually.
Sun in Sagittarius explores new horizons, literally and figuratively. Whether he’s wandering, pondering new ideas, or trying out a new recipe, his partner can be sure that he’ll always bring something fresh to the relationship. However, his interests can shift rapidly as he loses patience with details and depth. This also means that Sun in Sag requires a certain latitude; he does not handle rigid domestic rules very well. He does best with a partner who is able to handle the practical details, while encouraging his generous (sometimes excessive) contributions.
Moon in Scorpio explores the depths: both hers’ and her partner’s. This intense Moon needs absolute intimacy with her lover, which means she’ll push him to his limits; superficiality is a major turn-off. But she won’t expect him to go anywhere that she hasn’t. Moon in Scorpio’s emotional cave-diving can be draining for some partners, although her fixed intensity means that she is a faithful (if possessive) lover.
Sun in Sag will be weighed down by Scorpio’s emotional demands, and Moon in Scorpio will feel threatened by Sagittarius’ craving for variety. Fortunately, it takes a lot to overwhelm Sag, so he may be able to withstand Scorpio’s intensity. If Moon in Scorpio can come up for air occasionally, and Sun in Sagittarius is willing to dip beneath the surface, these two can urge each other on to greater heights and depths.
View all the Sun-Moon combinations ››
Nadia Gilchrist offers 15 years of experience in Evolutionary and Traditional astrology. Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying astrology and tarot readings with a clear, practical approach to the real world. Nadia blogs regularly at Ruby Slipper Astrology.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Mars Retrograde in Libra’s Impact on Aquarius and Gemini Relationships
In last week’s article, I explored the impact of Mars retrograde in Libra on the cardinal signs. These signs are most intensely affected, because Mars is making hard aspects (conjunction, opposition or square) to cardinal planets, angles or points. But Mars is also trining planets, points or angles in Aquarius and Gemini. A trine is more subtle; you need to be aware in order to take advantage of it. But this Rx transit can be quite positive for Air sign relationships. The key word with a trine is “enable” — the smooth flow of energy assists developments. Read on to see how Aquarius and Gemini can make the most of this influence in their love lives.
You need to do your own thing in relationships. No matter how enchanted you are with a partner, you require space between you and them. Mars direct in Libra might have emphasized this, urging you to follow your own path and exercise your unique brand of charisma. Whether you’re single or attached, Mars was the activator that encouraged you to exercise your freedom even more than usual. Dramatic changes in your love life may not have manifested, but you were motivated to push forward in a relationship (on your own terms), grab someone’s attention or make the most of your solo journey.
Now that Mars is Rx, your momentum will slow down. It will be less urgent for you to fly your flag of independence. Even if you find yourself coming to a complete standstill, it’s ok. This is right in line with your MO, because Mars Rx is all about looking inwards to determine how your actions/desires serve you. Its energy is internalized and subjective, which is perfect for enhancing your ongoing quest to be the most authentic “you” you can be. You won’t be acting out, you’ll pondering why and how. In relationships, that means standing on your own without isolating, lashing out or detaching (as a means of escape). How can you stand comfortably in your sense of individuality, without alienating those you love, or are attracted to? You can uncover the answers to this question, if you clue in to Mars Rx’s messages. You may be called upon to reconsider some of your recent actions towards a partner, or to question your initiatives as you’ve been walking by yourself.
You’re all about choices and multiple streams of information. For you, partnerships are another way to learn and experience something fresh and curious. Connections with new partners, or communication with a partner, may have increased with Mars direct in Libra. There have been more options, more ideas, more ways to approach your relationship. Your pace has quickened, and a partner (or potential partner) might have been your running companion, or they might have had difficulty keeping up. At times, your approach to love might have swung from vibrant to scattered.
Now that Mars is moving in reverse, you will find it easier to focus on specifics. This could mean being compelled to take a closer look at certain dynamics between you and your lover. Or, you may be called upon to back up a promise/statement you made. Relationship choices will narrow, or a certain choice may become temporarily unavailable. This is all good, because it gives you a chance to truly comprehend which options are viable, and which are not. Because Mars Rx is subjective, you will be pushed to look more deeply at your love life, as well as your role as a partner. You’re comfortable keeping things light, but this transit will pull you back and deepen your focus, while making you aware of any discrepancies between your external role and your internal desires. But since this is a trine, things shouldn’t get too heavy. Use the opportunity to have a focused discussion with your lover, decide (once and for all) what you want, or align your words/thoughts with your actions.
You can choose to ignore this transit. Unless your planets/angles/points (that are being trined by Mars Rx) are also being emphasized by a progression, or another transit, this influence can slide by. But then you’d be missing an opportunity to fine-tune your partnership and your approach to love in general. You’ll most likely feel this transit in your relationships if Mars is trining your Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, or the ruler of your 7th House. The degrees (in Aquarius and Gemini) that will be activated by this Rx are 27 to 9.
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Nadia Gilchrist offers 15 years of experience in Evolutionary and Traditional astrology. Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying astrology and tarot readings with a clear, practical approach to the real world. Nadia blogs regularly at Ruby Slipper Astrology.
Monday, May 5, 2014
How Family Patterns Are Repeated in the Charts of Significant Partners
If you look at your natal chart and compare it to the charts of your immediate family (parents, siblings, etc) you will see patterns. Maybe one or two signs emphasized for everyone, or aspects between a certain outer planet to the inner planets of each person. These patterns are familial themes. You and your kin are the canvas on which an evolving astrological portrait is painted. With each generation, a new shade is mixed in, but some base colors remain the same.
You will probably see similar patterns in the charts of your partners. Lovers who are meant to play a significant role in your life will carry on that theme. This may not be fantastic news, especially if you’re trying to distance yourself from unhappy family dynamics. The reality is, people are drawn to those whose energy resonates with their childhood experience. But this doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to repeat your parents’ marriage. On the contrary, this is a chance to work through some of those dynamics.
The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) represent universal issues. When they aspect an inner planet, those issues become part of your personal reality. Often, there will be one outer planet that aspects personal planets in all family members’ charts. The aspects, signs and inner planets may be different for each person, but the theme of that outer planet is a continuous thread.
Let’s say your father has a square between his Mars (action) and Saturn (limits). He’s used to hardship and frustration; he doesn’t expect things to come easily, and he’s worked for everything he’s achieved (while expecting minimal results). Your mother also has a Saturn square in her chart, but it hits her Mercury (communication). She wasn’t allowed to speak her mind when she was a child, and assumes that polite silence and restrained comments is the only way to go. They are drawn to each other for many reasons, but one of the things that resonates between them is the energy of restriction. You also have a square between Saturn and Mercury in your chart. Your sister has an opposition between Saturn and Venus. That theme of limits is passed down, and you learn to hold your tongue, while your sister learns that love is not freely given.
Chances are, any significant partner in your life is going to have a prominent, natal Saturn. You meet the woman you’ll eventually marry, and discover that she has Saturn in her 7th House of committed relationships. Saturn also features prominently in her family’s charts, and she carries its theme into her experience of partnership. She knows that relationships require hard work, but she also expects them to fail. And, she’s drawn to Saturn’s energy in her partners (you).
The two of you get married. You can trundle along on automatic pilot, following Saturn’s thread and repeating your family’s (and her family’s) issues. Maybe those issues aren’t so bad, but maybe you get trapped in the negative Saturn cycle: fear, repression and expectation of failure. The point is that your partner is your chance (just as you are her chance) to become aware of those issues, and find a different way of dealing with them. So you work on speaking up in your relationship, in spite of that dismissive voice (in your head) that says what you want to express is inappropriate or wrong. Your wife will probably understand your fears, because she’s had similar fears about relationships in general. But you both have the potential to tackle these issues with determination and commit (Saturn) to improving things. Together, the two of you can confront those barriers, because you’re companions in Saturn’s hard country.
Sign emphasis is a prompt for you to deal with the lessons of that sign. Let’s use Gemini and Virgo as an example. Your Sun (ego) and Mercury (communication) are in Virgo; practical details and absolute decisions are your friends. Your mother’s Sun and Mars are in Gemini. Her planets don’t make a mathematical aspect to your planets, but you still find her scattered way of approaching things to be flip and annoying (Virgo and Gemini square each other). You try to have a serious conversation with her, and she flutters off on a tangent. Your Dad’s Moon (needs) is in Gemini; he’s just impossible for you to understand, because he can never settle on one thing. Your brother’s Mercury is in Gemini; he doesn’t take anything seriously, and always has a clever retort for something you’ve said. Gemini is your sore spot, but not all Virgos experience Geminis as so supremely irritating. What gives? Gemini is on the cusp of your hidden 12th House (secrets, dreams and transcendence). Now it starts to make sense. Your family gets under your skin, because their planets activate your blind spot, and hit you where cut-and-dried solutions are ineffective. The theme of fluctuating choices and fast-moving information is something that you have to make peace with.
You become seriously involved with a man who has Gemini rising. You’re really into him, but his bright, flirtatious way of presenting himself rubs you the wrong way. He’s so glib. But is he really the problem? He’s continuing the Gemini thread, and challenging you to look more closely at your 12th House (where his AC falls). Why are you threatened by shifting options? What’s the worst thing that could happen if you were unable to pin down the details? There’s nothing that says you have to completely embrace Gemini energy (you are a Virgo, after all). But it’s worth examining the message that Gemini may have for you. And (incidentally) your partner’s mother has a Mercury/Mars conjunction in Virgo (that squares his Gemini AC). She’s always nagging him to be more decisive. So he has Virgo lessons to deal with (through you).
Like it or not, your family patterns are repeated in your choice of partners. This is partially because you’re drawn to what’s familiar, but it’s also an opportunity to work through long-running issues. Even if the relationship doesn’t last, partners who will play an important role are an extension of your family. And you are an extension of theirs.
Related: The Astrology of Marriage in the Royal Family
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Nadia Gilchrist offers 15 years of experience in Evolutionary and Traditional astrology. Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying astrology and tarot readings with a clear, practical approach to the real world. Nadia blogs regularly at Ruby Slipper Astrology.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Libra Compatibility
Moon in Libra will be privately embarrassed by Sun in Sagittarius’ disregard for convention, but she’ll tolerate his exuberant ways because he’ll know how to make her feel special. When Sag gets carried away, Libra will gently steer him back on course, while Sag will inject some spontaneity into Libra’s picture-perfect domestic routine.
Sun in Sagittarius doesn’t care whether people like him or not. He’s so jovial and upbeat that most people do find him appealing, but part of his charm is that he doesn’t try too hard. Sun in Sag just is, and his partner will enjoy the warmth, adventure and expansiveness that he brings to the relationship. Because he can get swept up in a belief, or go overboard with anything (food, sex, spending, travel, movies) that catches his interest, he does best with a lover who is able to moderate his energies.
Moon in Libra is the domestic goddess with a core of steel. She needs her home and relationship to be “just so” while shining with the gloss of stylish romance. She’ll bend over backwards to ensure that her lover is happy, but expects him to appreciate her efforts (tasteful gifts are a nice touch). She may not say anything if she feels ignored, because Shadow Libra can be the queen of passive-aggressive mood swings. The key to keeping Moon in Libra happy is to insist on recognizing her efforts, even when she insists it’s not a big deal.
Moon in Libra will be swept away by Sag’s romantic enthusiasm, even as she’s embarrassed by his larger-than-life gestures. Sun in Sagittarius will find Libra’s domestic fussing amusing, and her attention to his desires touching (if a little excessive). Fortunately, he’s so laid back that it won’t phase him when he occasionally forgets to thank her, and she responds with strange, simmering moods. He’ll make it up to her while cheerfully urging her to relax. Moon in Libra would never dream of imposing limits on Sagittarius, but she’ll gracefully and quietly nudge him towards the middle ground.
View all the Sun-Moon combinations ››
Nadia Gilchrist offers 15 years of experience in Evolutionary and Traditional astrology. Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying astrology and tarot readings with a clear, practical approach to the real world. Nadia blogs regularly at Ruby Slipper Astrology.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Virgo Compatibility
Irritation might be one of major themes in this relationship. Sun in Sag’s expansive energy will make Moon in Virgo feel insecure and out of control. Moon in Virgo’s focus on what’s wrong will strike Sagittarius as unbearably picky. However, these two can learn a lot from each other about the compromise between crazy optimism and intensive worrying.
Sun in Sagittarius sees the big picture, which makes him a naturally enthusiastic, forward-looking partner. He’ll be interested in all kinds of adventures (mental and physical) with his lover, but he’ll also insist on the freedom to have his own adventures. Sun in Sagittarius is can be an anti-depressant for any relationship, but his partner will have to be tolerant of his tendency to overdo everything (including his promises).
Moon in Virgo needs something defined to sink her teeth into. She feels most secure when she’s helping her lover, which makes her the queen of practical nurturing. At her best, Moon in Virgo can be a domestic goddess on steroids. The downside to this is if she can’t find something to work on, she’ll dig until she uncovers a flaw. Her Shadow side can emerge as she fixates on her partner’s issues, or worries that the relationship will fall apart at any moment.
Whenever Sun in Sag floats upwards and outwards, Virgo will be the anchor that drags him down to earth. Sagittarius will chafe under her restrictions, and Virgo’s anxiety will be amplified by his refusal to focus on the details. Not an easy match, but if there are other binding contacts between them, these two can actually help each other. Moon in Virgo will be Sag’s reality check (and she’ll hold him accountable). Sun in Sag will help Virgo lighten up, especially when she becomes trapped in the need to nitpick or obsess.
View all the Sun-Moon combinations ››
Nadia Gilchrist offers 15 years of experience in Evolutionary and Traditional astrology. Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying astrology and tarot readings with a clear, practical approach to the real world. Nadia blogs regularly at Ruby Slipper Astrology.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Magnitude 8 and Greater Earthquakes Since 1900.
April 1, 2014 – Magnitude 8 and Greater Earthquakes Since 1900: The map below displays Global earthquakes greater than or equal to 8.0 magnitude since the year 1900. I expect an earthquake greater than 8.0 magnitude in April, 2014.
Notice that the strongest earthquakes occurred mostly around the Pacific “Ring of Fire” tectonic plate. The yellow dots reflect the shallowest quakes, which are usually the most deadly (see below).
As you can see from the Death Scale at the bottom, the three most deadly quakes were: (1) Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia on December 26, 2004 (227,878 dead);
(2) Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan on March 11, 2011 (28,050)
and (3) Near Bihar, India on February 1, 1938 (10,700).
The strongest quake occurred in Chile on May 22, 1960; measuring an incredible 9.5 magnitude:
If a quake of this magnitude were to occur at a shallow depth under a major metropolitan area today, the results would be catastrophic. See the USGS Website for a complete list, with details for each quake.
The Master of Disaster
Thursday, May 1, 2014
From Washington State Mudslide, Glimmers of Lost Lives –
March 30, 2014 - 18 Confirmed Dead in Washington State Landslide: It seems all but certain no one is still alive in the muddy wreckage of the Oso landslide, which left at least 18 people dead and devastated towns up and down this valley of loggers, backcountry skiers and outdoor enthusiasts in the Cascade mountains of northern Washington. But as search teams pick through the devastation that obliterated homes and pulverized a highway, families and rescuers are finding glimmers of the disparate lives that were irrevocably brought together in one instant on March 22. Read the complete story by clicking on the link below.
The Master of Disaster