Saturday, September 3, 2011

Astrological Choices - Sidereal or Tropical Systems

As with most other human endeavors, astrologers don't always keep it simple. There are so many choices for charting, so many techniques and pet theories that it can be difficult to thread your way through the labyrinth of possibilities. Of the people who do believe in Astrology both systems have their adherents, both have their detractors. Do we have a dilemma here? Is one system right and the other not? Are both right? A simple definition of the difference between the Sidereal and Tropical systems should help.

Astrology as we currently know it has been formed from a melting pot of astrological practices from all over the world, ranging from antiquity to modern times. All was retained, little was ever removed from that boatload of information, whether or not it collided, yet everything discovered through new experience was added. Astrology in some form is found on each of Earth's inhabitable continents and elsewhere could be buried under tons of ice and debris or lost to volcanic catastrophes, tsunamis, or earth movement to name a few causes of lost information.

Writing itself is not that old in terms of human occupation of the globe. Most information was handed down orally through the centuries and generations and not all of it made it through to today intact, accurate, or correctly translated. Some of it could be in error, incomplete, re-translated, edited or lost. There is a great body of work, but please try to imagine that such information was perfectly transmitted by selfless beings over the centuries and under all circumstances. That's not remotely possible in my mind, especially when humans are involved. We can be very willful and amazingly destructive. Having said that if a great tablet surfaces somewhere that is carved in lightning by a supreme deity, protected from the possibility of defilement, change, corrosion, erosion and the like, I might be persuaded to pay attention.

There are many sources for astrology and they are quite different from each other. Each was thought to be accurate by those who practiced the method and some are in conflict. What was suitable for a riverbank civilization was not necessarily pertinent to blizzard conditions in the Arctic region or the deserts of the Middle East. Two basic camps of astrology are common depending upon which sky view is in use. Both camps start the zodiac circle with Aries and end with Pisces. This was not always the order in ancient astrology but is true today.

There are those who believe the stars in the sky are "fixed" in relationship to each other and that astrology should therefore be based on the fixed stars and constellations, galactic in measure. Sidereal astrology is used primarily by Jyotish (Hindu) eastern astrologers and also by a minority of western astrologers, This system maps the signs as aligned to the zodiac constellations and maintains a very old system related to constellational astrology, the Fixed Zodiac. At this point in time (2009) Aries occurs from approximately April 14th to May 14th in the sidereal system.

Western Astrology uses a different base from which to measure, the orientation of Earth within our solar system and our evident seasons. The arbitrary beginning is the Vernal Equinox when our Sun, the center of our particular solar system, enters 00 Aries on or about March 21st of each year. The signs follow in order through the zodiac and end with Pisces to complete one full circle just as in the fixed system. Notice the difference in the date of commencement, approximately 24 days difference. This seasonal system is called Tropical Astrology and the majority of western astrologers follow this system (as do I).

Once upon a time these two systems coincided in approximately 290 AD, They have slowly but surely moved apart over the intervening years with the current separation at approximately 24 degrees. Astrology itself underwent a serious transformation just prior to this joining as the body of information known as astrology was seriously researched and codified into a merged body of information, largely due to the influence of Ptolemy. The bulk of western astrological information used today comes from that compendium of information generated and codified at that time. Of course time and experience has added to or modified those methods, but again, little old material is discarded as more is added to the body of knowledge. There is a new drive underway to study the wisdom of our astrological forefathers to develop Classical Astrology. Many well-known astrologers, authors and teachers study and support these old/new rules.

Both the Sidereal and Tropical systems have come down through the ages as reliable systems of information but are quite different in construction and application. Both have strong adherents, some of which are puzzled by the use of the "other" system. Both systems do work, as always depending on the accuracy of the work done, the skill of the astrologer and the experience being explored. My good friend is a Vedic Astrologer, very good at what he does. The entire country of India collectively gets a reading every year for the year ahead. It works for them. Since India has over one billion inhabitants, you can't argue with that kind of success. But the readings for my Vedic friend's Sidereal system and my practice of the Tropical system are very different. Each can contribute to a person's understanding of their life and experience but will follow completely different approaches. My Vedic friend has read for me as well using his system and his interpretation worked in my experience. Again, you can't really argue with success.

There are no rules that say we can't have more than one system. There is no reason to believe that one is ultimately right and the other is ultimately wrong. Each system has its value. Your choice of chart would depend on who you are and what you are seeking from a reading. Acceptance of the technique and information depends on your early conditioning and experience. Whatever reasoning and presentation is "normal" to you will resonate with you much faster and easier. This is not because one system is anymore right than the other, it is simply about what flows easiest for you.

Marilyn Muir, author of "Presidents of Hope and Change: Bringing Hope to our Future by Reaching into our Astrological Past."

Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama... The Lineage of Hope

Based on ground-breaking research by noted astrologer Marilyn Muir, this book describes the remarkable similarities of these four presidents in their Aquarian connections to the USA and their commonalities of character and motivation.

In a non-technical way, the author details how their sky maps (astrological charts) synchronize with the important events that took place during the lifetimes of presidents Jefferson, Lincoln and Kennedy-all of whom held office at profound moments in our nation's history. Ms Muir reaches deeply into the USA past to predict our nation's future. Demonstrating through meticulous astrological research how, under each of these president's watches, the country not only survived deep setbacks, but went onto greater and more successful heights.

The author takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the stars as she details the strengths and weakness in President Obama's own sky map; describing how and where it aligns to not only the birth chart of the USA but also his connections to the specific chart of his own inauguration. Is he the right man for the job?

Read the first 36 pages (PDF) including the charts of all four Presidents - you'll get hooked!

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