Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Leo Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

This week you will be involved in the details of your job. You will busy managing the people that you work with and training new people. During this period you will find your comfort zone so that you will know what your limits are as far as stress and what you can accomplish each day. Find the area that you work the best in, it may not be what your doing now. It would be a good idea also to get more involved with the people around you and find out who you work best with, it may surprise you.

It is important to be focused on your career right now because it is a time for you to figure things out. Do not take on new projects with your current position, it may be that you will end up doing something else entirely. Make sure that the other employees know what your intentions are because it is important that for you to grow you need to have the best communication that you can with them.

With your financial situation you need to to collect on your past investments. Make sure that you do not make any big investment decisions until your work situation is more settled. Past real estate purchases now will bring you great gains it is time to cash in on them.

Make sure that you keep you family is updated on how your new job adventures are doing. Do not keep them guessing, they need to be involved in your life now more than ever.

For more information on your Leo Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Gemini - Monthly Astrology Horoscope For August 2008

Get your Gemini Astrological Horoscope sign because this can unlock some of the secrets to good health and a strong relationship. Learning how your sign and reading affect you and the people around you can be a great boost to your job performance as well. It is possible that you can increase your income by knowing how you perform at work and if you are lacking in any areas. It is always good to know how to improve your love and romance with your partner and this can be a great way to do that.

During this month you want to focus on the relationships that you have because you have been busy with other priorities and now it is time to focus more on the ones that you love. You have a good relationship with your partner but in truth it can be stronger and now is the time to take advantage of your emotional skills.

When at work it is a good idea to pay attention to details because you want to get the most out of your time there. Other people around you are looking for guidance and you can help them become more efficient in there work habits. You are coming into a time of great reward from your past efforts at work and it is a must that you let the people on your team know that they have helped you get to were you are currently.

You need to keep you eye on the goal and you can make a dream come true. It is important that when you are improving yourself that you also help other around you to become better people.

Learn How to Get: Gemini Astrological Readings

Learn how to Have the Best: Horoscope Reading

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Astrology and Psychic Readings.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sagittarius Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

You will have a great week at work because of an increase in job production. You need to be more active in social affairs because you will benefit from the contacts that you make and they will help you gain self confidence. Your social status has risen to a level who people know who you are and you are in the forefront of your companies success.

You will become a person who is a real attention getter and your performance in your work will be noticed and rewarded. It is time for you to step forward and be the aggressive one at work and to let others around you that you are the go getter and you are going to be the one that will be moving the company forward. Your co-workers will be trying everything they can to keep up with you and they actual be more productive because of your attitude. It is important for you to use your co-workers to your advantage because they will be ready to lift you up to a major promotion.

The real you will come out like never before. You will benefit from your positive attitude towards your work status and your family. Your family is at the center of your life so make sure that you do not forget all they do for you. You will have a special relationship with your spouse that will rekindle the romance you once have lost.

Other relationships will come into your life that will help you with your work situation. These relationships will be good for your advancement in your job.

For more information on your Sagittarius Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Astrology & Horoscopes - Why People Love Astrology

Astrology/horoscopes is the study of celestial body movement. Astrologers believe that the movement of celestial bodies is directly related to the lives of individuals on Earth. So, in order to predict the future affairs of individuals on Earth, the affairs of the celestial bodies must be thoroughly assessed. The study of celestial bodies can lead to many conclusions that are often formulated and presented as horoscopes.

Millions of people read their personal horoscopes on a regular basis. Many individuals believe that horoscopes contain valuable information that can provide them with guidance in their personal lives. Horoscopes are unique as well, because their scope extends beyond the personal lives of individuals. Many horoscopes are often related to the finances of individuals, future events, and even the love life of individuals.

If you have never used horoscopes before, you can still benefit from their use. Horoscopes often give individuals clarity about their current situations. Astrological readings can also be used as a tool for guidance. So, if you are finding it difficult to figure out why certain events are taking place in your life, or you are feeling uncertain about events that may take place in the future, you can simply read your daily and annual horoscopes in order to gain clarity about your current circumstances.

You can also use horoscopes as a fun tool to make your day seem brighter overall. Horoscopes are often fairly positive assessments of an individual's life, which makes them particularly useful as a source of entertainment. If you read your horoscope on a regular basis, you will almost certainly be enlightened each time you read information about astrological events and feel much better about your life overall.

Even though astrological readings are often fairly positive reviews of an individual's life, they also provide guidance that can appear to be very significant in certain situations. If you feel like you are approaching a decisive moment in your life, a horoscope may be able to give you the guidance that you need in order to get through that particular period of time. The guidance that astrological readings may inform you that remaining cautious and open minded is the most appropriate way to approach your current situation. Other times, horoscopes may inform you that a lighthearted attitude towards your current situation may improve your overall circumstances.

As you can see, astrological indicators generally only provide a broad view perspective of an individual's life. Even though the views that are often provided in horoscopes are fairly generalized, they can still be very useful, because they provide individuals with a new perspective for their life situations.

If you would like to obtain more specific information about your current life circumstances, you can seek out a personalized astrological reading as well. Personalized readings are often far more valuable to individuals, because they provide information that is not based on a general astrological sign. These readings are often based on a specific person, which results in a more specific astrological reading in most cases.

Astrology/horoscopes certainly make up a very interesting field of study. Many individuals seek out more information about this science field when they feel that all other sources of information about life philosophies have failed. Some individuals also resort to astrological horoscopes in order to gain a better understanding about difficult times in their life. You can even use astrological readings as a source of entertainment on a regular basis as well. Obviously, there are many different uses of astrological tools, so the benefits that can be derived from astrology are often fairly diverse as well.

Carolyn Clayton works for English Astrologer Patrick Arundell who offers Horoscopes & Astrology and Free Birth Charts.

The Astrological Horoscope Forecast - The Best Predictions

The astrological horoscope is an intriguing subject that has captured peoples interest for many years. It has been intensively studied at a deep level and incredible effort has been put into find new and startling discoveries. Many people from all walks of life as well as business are directing their lives with the aid of the horoscope.

If you are not familiar with the astrological horoscope then it can seem fascinating and quite mysterious to you that you can get so much information out of all the signs and symbols that the astrologer use to interpenetrate the horoscope.

With the astrological horoscope you can read the past, predict the future and it will also reveal your personality traits. Astrology can be very accurate in the prediction of an event or to point out what kind of career you would be best suited to follow.

When it comes to fortune telling then an astrology reading is by far the best and ought to be taken serious. An astrologer can advice you of the times you have to be careful and when there is opportunities available for you. Having tools like that accessible to you can be of great advantage to you.

The inquisitive instinct in you may direct you to find out more about yourself by using astrology. When I first started studying astrology I was so curious and simply just wanted to know more about myself and the people around me. I discovered that when I understood more about other people then I got to know myself much better.

I found out why certain thing had happened in my life and the fact that I could actually do something to correct certain situation was quite exciting. The more I learn about the astrological horoscope the more I benefited from the favorable times coming up in my life because now I could take advantage of when the time was right to act.

Learning about the " astrological horoscope " is very exciting and also fun. It is a pretty amazing feeling to find out that the universe has a plan which we follow whether we are aware of it or not. But how much better your life can be if you become aware of how your own horoscope works. Then you can plan your life based on the bigger picture of the universe. You can read more here " about astrology "

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chinese Astrology - Find Your Chinese Astrological Horoscope Reading

Getting your Chinese Astrology reading can be a great way to learn how your life is affected by other people. The Chinese astrological calender is based on a cycle of 12 years and differs from the western astrology calender. The legend goes that the famous Budha called out for all the animals to come together but only 12 arrived and they were rewarded with a year. As with western astrology the animal signs control your being and is determined by what year you were born.

The rabbit, snake, horse, monkey, rat, ox, tiger, dragon, dog, pig, ram and goat are the 12 chinese astrological signs. Many people will check there daily sign to determine how there life choices will affect there lives. If you are looking to increase your salary or maybe you want to be more productive it can be seen in your sign. There are also health issues that people may have and they will also use there Chinese astrology sign to look into some of the causes that may be causing there ailment.

There are some people that look at there sign and take them with a grain of salt but there are some people that believe that what there reading states is word for word how the direction of there life will be. It is also important to understand that the Chinese zodiac signs are read throughout the world not just in China. Because it is one of the oldest methods of reading our futures many people think that it is the only true astrology that exist.

There are also many people that choose there romantic partners by what there Chinese zodiac signs are. This will give them insight into how there them and there partner will get along romantically.

Learn How To Get an : Chinese Astrology Reading

Learn How To Have a : Horoscope Reading

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Chinese Astrology and Horoscope Readings

Vedic Astrology Horoscope - Sun in Cancer - Venus - Moon - More on Saturn

The Sun has entered Cancer in the Sidereal zodiac, bringing a strong tendency to nurture and emotionally protect our loved ones. When the Sun goes through Cancer the quality of divine motherhood is awakened in each of us -- at least that is the potential. Suddenly there's a renewed sensitivity to all of us as children. There is a great possibility for all to lay down their weapons and sympathize with their enemies for the next couple of weeks.

Cancer is the sign of sensitivity, compassion and motherhood. It is ruled by the moon, the planet of selfless love, nurturing and peace. This is different than the type of love we have in relationships which are transactional in nature. Relationship love is between two equals, two grown-ups. In relationship love, each person has to hold up their part of the bargain, whatever that "bargain" is. Every relationship has different boundaries that are negotiated and, however strange those boundaries may look to outsiders, as long as the two partnered agree with the terms, and honor them - there's usually smooth sailing.

This is what makes the relationship house (seventh house) a secondary business / career house. We use the same negotiating skills at our job that we use in our romantic relationship - after all, people are people. The larger issue in relationships is our ability to compromise and satisfy our desires as well as accommodate another person's. Those who are able to yield their desires with dignity do well in relationships. But this takes an authentic desire to please others combined with an equally authentic intuition which knows where to draw the line and can draw that line without anger or excessive ego.

However, the capacity to play fair and negotiate and uphold common boundaries, etc. will be very damaging in a parent / child relationship. Once a parent starts demanding the child treat them as an equal, at least when they're young, there can be great harm done. Of course, once the child grows up into teenage years and beyond the relationship starts to develop and mature. But still, the parent must always put the needed the child ahead of their own. Fortunately, nature makes this easy -- once the child begins to grow up and develop their own personality, many immature parents stop serving the child / selflessly loving the child - and start to a great deal of harm.

Negotiating proper relationship boundaries are related to Venus and powerfully expressed through the Cardinal sign she rules, Libra - the sign of relationships. And, as was said, the Moon rules selfless parental love that only knows how to give. The mother loves the child no matter what the child does. But this shows the inherent struggle between Venus and the moon - the inherent struggle between selfless love and conditional love.

It's very easy to mix these two things up in our mind. When relationships become dominated by a selfless, parental type of love -- is only a matter of time before it starts to feel like abuse for one and co-managing for the other. There has to be accountability first, only then can romantic love become selfless, devoted love. Similarly if the parent / child love is too transactional, with a parent constantly insisting upon the immature mind of the child to be accountable for their emotional mistakes, as we would expect from our partner, much trouble arises also. Without the paradigm of selfless love in the parent/child relationship, the parent will not be able to insist upon accountability without the child feeling attacked.

This is an important issue at this time with Venus about to go retrograde into the sign of Cancer. In Vedic astrology both the moon and the Sun are enemies of Venus. This enmity is expressed in different ways. The influence of the moon on Venus (including occupying the sign of Cancer) is to confuse the transactional nature and expectation of adult relationship boundaries with the utterly selfless, caretaking, maternal nature of the moon. The influence of the Sun on Venus (including occupying the sign of Leo) is to insist upon a passionate, fiery and romantically accountable nature.

These themes will play out in the upcoming Venus retrograde cycle discussed last week in this newsletter.

The upcoming Venus retrograde cycle will mirror the recent Saturn retrograde cycle and also foreshadow next year's Mars/Ketu conjunction at 28° Cancer. There is another very important factor that must be kept in mind relative to this Saturn / Venus relationship.

Sam Geppi has over 20 years of Vedic Study and experience. He is a Hatha Yoga instructor and certified Vedic Astrologer and Teacher through the ACVA (level 2) as well as author of "The Ascendant". - Newsletters and Readings - Astrology Podcasts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cancer Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

You will experience time for attending to domestic issues this week. Issues with redecorating and possibly renovating a home may take up a lot of your time. Your life right now may seem hectic and finding the time to do all the projects you have may feel overwhelming. It is a good idea to try to balance your time and figure out what is the most important issues for you to spend you time on.

Currently you are having a struggle with you career life and personal life, they seem to get in the way. There are things going on at your job right now that are limiting your home time and it is causing stress on you and other family members. You need to find a common ground with your work situation that will allow you to have more time with your family.

At home there is much tension between you and your lover. There is a lack of unity and common bond, which is causing stress and disappointment between both of you.

You business opportunities will increase and you could experience some great opportunities. Make sure that if you seek these possibilities that you first have your personal life and home in order, otherwise you may experience great loss with your spouse. Now is not a good time to take extra risk in investment in real estate or other things. It is a time for you to gather your thoughts and look towards fixing issues in your life.

Inspiration can be found within and you should take all opportunities to improve your mental thinking.

For more information on your Cancer Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Pisces Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

Your high energy level will make you more creative this week. You will have more responsibility by having new employees that you will train . You will be asked to be more of a leader when you are involved this week in meetings. Fellow workers will be seeking guidance from you and they will benefit from your leadership. You will have many problems that will arise at work and you will be responsible for taking action to get these issues resolved in a responsive manner.

Your business will keep you busy to the point that it will be difficult to manage your affairs at home. Make sure that you keep your family as the main focus, even when you are not there to be with them. It is important that you keep your relationships positive and that you make time for loved ones. You may get family members in from other parts of the country that will need your attention with family matters. They will act as inspiration for you and will help with your business affairs.

Financially you will have a great week with your income being at a high level it will allow you some freedom to try new things. The most important thing to remember is keep your money flow going. You are going to have some opportunities to invest in real estate and mutual finds which will put you in a very beneficial situation for the future.

Now is the time to compromise with others around you. You will have a meeting of the minds, so make sure to keep your mind open for new ideas.

For more information on your Pisces Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to: http://elovemagic

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Astrological Horoscope and Your Destiny

Do you know that you can actually use astrology for your goal setting to help you create the future you want for yourself. You see the astrology horoscope is like a road map that you can use to create your own destiny.

By knowing your own personal horoscope you can watch what is going on when the transiting planet are activating some of your natal planets. This is a very powerful knowledge to have at your disposal. You can make it work to your benefit because it will tell you when it is the right time for you to act and when to sit back and wait.

Astrology can help you to set the goals for where you want to go here in life. Setting goals is like creating your own future and when you incorporate it with astrology then you are sure to be on a winner. When you have that knowledge that astrology can give you it will be a lot easier for you to make the commitment and stick to your goal.

Astrology is a great help in predicting your future but it only predict the kind of energies you have to work with and with a bit of creativity and imagination you can get the most out of what ever the astrological planets have to offer you.

You can create your own future by setting goals and once you have written your goals down and reading them often then you set the law in the universe into motion, the law of attraction and you activate this law by focusing on your goal.

Your dream goal that you write down at first is not just written in the stars but may be a bit overwhelming for you at first and you may find it hard to make the changes you need to make to reach that goal. What you should do is set yourself little achievable goals leading up to the big goal. You will be amazed how good it feels when you can see the results from your efforts.

By breaking the changes you need to make to reach your goals down to small steps you will be surprised what a difference it can make to your life. After a while you will notice that some of the more unpleasant thoughts and situations you use to have in your life no longer take place for you.

Following this advice will help you to get the best out of the energy that the astrological planets send your way and you do not have to feel that you are being a victim of some negative astrological aspects happening in your chart because you are now working with the law of attraction to your benefit.

" Astrology " is a wonderful tool you can use for creating the life you want. Astrology inspires you and empowers you to be all that you can be. Are you doing what you love to do? What changes do you need to make so you can work towards your dream goal? Read more here here " About Astrology "

Scorpio Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

Now more than ever will be an interesting time for you now because it is time for you to stop and take a look around and see how you have progressed. It is a great time to sit back and recharge your batteries. The best way for you to advance in your job is to see what progress you have made. Make sure that you have great awareness of others around you. The pleasure that you get from your family and friends is what makes you happy. Keep the people that are close to you in your life at the forefront of everything you do.

There will be people in your life that will need your help and guidance though some difficult times they may have. You are the rock for your friends they will rely on you to bring them into focus so they can get through any tough times they are going through. If you are around any elderly people make sure you pay close attention to their needs because they will be a great source of inspiration for you.

You work environment will be good and you need to make sure that there are no waste happening in your building that you work in. It will also be a good time for you to have your home in order. It is up to you to manage the situation and make others around you better in conservation.

Financially you will see gains from investments you made in the past. The gains you made will be small at first, but them towards the end of the year will become larger and more beneficial.

For more information on your Scorpio Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Babylonian Astrology, Horoscope and the Zodiac

The identification of the "higher" spiritual realm with the heavens soon found expression, in the Babylonian culture, as an absorbing interest in reading portents of the night sky. The temple towers of Ancient Mesopotamia were, therefore, the first astronomical observatories, for even though astrology is different in its fundamental premises and assumptions from astronomy, it was effectively precursor to the astronomical sciences.

The ancient Babylonians became convinced that the motion of heavenly bodies, including the sun and the moon had information about the fortunes of peoples, nations and kings. Babylonian kings relied on their astrologers in decision making. Babylonian astrology passed to the Western world through the Greeks who learned the art from the East. The belief that the stars held information about the lives of ordinary people, apart from kings and their grand empires, developed after Babylonian astrology passed into the hands of the "democratic" Greeks.

In the time of the Greek empire of the Ptolemies, it came to be believed that the configuration of the heavenly bodies at the moment of an individual's birth could indicate the individual's personality and fortunes. Ptolemy, an early astronomer as well as astrologer wrote a four volume treatise on the subject of astronomy called the "tetrabiblos." Central to Ptolemy's natal astrology was the horoscope, a chart which shows the positions of the planets at the moment an individual was born. There are twelve locations or sectors in what is termed the Zodiac. Each sign representing a location in the Zodiac is assigned a 30 degrees space in the circular domain. The circular domain has its center in the place where the sun in its annual movement across the sky crosses the southern half to the northern half of the sky at the onset of spring. The northern and southern halves are separated by a celestial equator.

The place at which the sun crosses the equator on the first day of spring is called the vernal equinox. The twelve sectors of the zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, all in order of easterly direction of the sun's motion. The signs of the Zodiac are named after the constellations in the sun's path in the sky. Because the equinox slides westward along its ecliptic origin, making a complete revolution around the sky in approximately 26 000 years, the signs and constellations today are out of step by one sign relative to their positions about 2 000 years ago. Thus the sign of Aries now occupies the constellation of Pisces.

Your horoscope shows the position of each planet (the ancients included the sun and moon in this category) in the sky by indicating its position in the Zodiac. The celestial sphere, because of the earth's rotation, turns, and the Zodiac sectors move with it across the sky to the west making a complete revolution on a daily basis.

A complete individual horoscope is represented in the form of a circle which is the center of the Zodiac sectors along with the position of the seven planets. The rules for interpretation of the horoscope are contained in Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos. Modern astrologers have, however, developed simple computer programs which cast horoscopes and make interpretations. Popular astrological practice, especially in news paper columns, relies on the sun-sign astrology which uses only one element of the horoscope, the sign occupied by the sun at the individual's birth.

The writer JohnThomas Didymus is the author of "Confessions of God:The Gospel According to St. JohnThomas Didymus." ( ). If you have found the article informative please read the article:CAN ASTROLOGY TELL YOUR FORTUNE? on his blog:

Do You Believe in Astrology & Horoscopes?

The subject of astrology & horoscopes has intrigued people for generations upon generations. There is a mystery about it, and it is never certain as to whether or not one should believe in the predictions. Sometimes they appear to reveal the truth, as they seem to know about your life and where you are in it.

The stars and planets tell a story. And there are those who believe that as the earth moves, and the different constellations move into the atmospheres of the planets, this affects the outcome of our future. The movement can be predicted, so the futures can also be planned.

As with any predictions, one can usually change the outcome by simply doing something other than what they were going to do. If it was predicted by an astrologist that your relationship with a boyfriend would end at a certain place on a certain night, the obvious thing to do to avoid this would be not to be there. Or maybe you would go there at another time. Or maybe you would decide to meet him at a different place. This way, whether it is all in your mind or not, the prediction is not likely to happen. You can even believe it so much in your own mind that you actually prevent it from happening.

Sometimes, however, it is more involved than that. And there are other constellations to be concerned about, as well as the moon and the planets. After all, there is an awful lot going on out in that big universe all at one time. But is the subject of prediction through astrology real?

There are horoscopes that can be found in the newspaper that really seem to be way off the mark. This can easily convince a person that the subject of horoscopes is just not credible. But this may just be because they are so broad. How can one horoscope for Scorpio on that day be the same for every Scorpio? When you look at it that way, it does seem quite absurd.

But when you go to an astronomer, and she examines all the evidence about the day that you were born, a very different set of predictions comes out. These are designed with your birth date and time in mind.

At the precise moment that you were born, the stars and planets were in a certain area of the galaxy. There have been occurrences throughout your lifetime that your astrologer will tell you about. If they are mostly true, without you revealing any of it to her beforehand, it is difficult to distrust her future predictions.

To be sure for yourself whether astrologists are real, treat yourself to a visit to one. Have her set up your astrological chart, and if you are a bit uneasy about know about the future in its entirety, just have her give you one or two future predictions. This is, of course, after she tells you what your life has been like and what your accomplishments have been so far. You may change your mind about the subject of astrology/horoscopes.

Carolyn Clayton
For more Sparkling writing style and insights from the UK's most original and sincere Astrologer Patrick Arundell. Check out your Horoscopes including Love Horoscopes today!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Astrology Horoscope - How it All Began

Every time I pick up the morning paper, I just make a glance to the headlines and start to search for the page where the astrology horoscope is found. A friend of mine too, when she sees me reading the newspaper she will ask for her horoscope. Horoscopes usually mention your luck, your love life or fortune for the day. It includes your moods too, and sometimes your lucky number, or what not to do for the day to avoid trouble or bad luck. That is why many people check their personal horoscopes every day to find out what is their future for the day or for the whole week. The horoscopes are usually published in newspapers, magazines, and books. But what really are horoscopes and when did it start? Who started it? Well, let us try to know about the history of horoscopes.

Let us try to know the history of the astrology horoscope. The ancient Greeks used horoscope and astrology predicted and pre-determined the person's life by the position of the moon, sun, and stars. Astrology is the Greek name which means "science of the stars". They believed that the person's life and the future events that could happen to them would depend on the position of the suns or planets. Also, the farmers before were dependent on the positions of the constellations. During that time, the planters used the signs of the stars to determine the effective way to know when to plant and when to harvest their crops.

During that time, there was no formal education to give reliable information. People looked towards the stars in the sky to find the answers to some constant questions about their continued existence. Actually, we still do that today when we face with problems and cannot find solutions. Some believers go to the astrologers to know their solutions of the problem or many business men would ask their future in the business. It was the china who started the study and use of astrology for farming and to decide of best seasons and months for different planting cycles.

In 500 BC, Plato, the philosopher, got interested and studied further about the astrology and even used it. Because of the study of Plato of the astrology, the interest of astrology kept alive. His works was continued by Galileo Galilei who was the first person to use the telescope. Then the Christians had a powerful voice that the practice of astrology had quietly hid. In order to avoid the rage of the Church and to make it more acceptable in 1600 an astrologer William Lilly renamed astrology "Christian Astrology". Clancy published his own magazine which was called "American Astrology." It was instrumental in popularizing astrology horoscopes as we know them today.

Aside from the Greek, the Chinese also had their own horoscope method, but they used different methods, if Greece used the constellation, the Chinese used animals' signs which are the rats, ox tiger, fish, dragon, dogs, rabbit and others. The used of the animals will depend on your data birth date. A horoscope is a chart or a diagram of the zodiac signs that portray the aspects of the stars and planets at a given moment and forecast the future not the individual, but also of a geographic region or even the world.

Over the history, the astrology horoscopes had been used to determine if there will be upcoming wars. Miss Nancy Reagan hired an astrologer to protect President Reagan since there had been an attempt to assassinate him. The astrologer predetermined the right times for him to sign important documents, the right time to visit places, the right time to hold conferences and meeting. Well indeed, we can say they were accurate predictions since President Reagan stayed alive until he finished his two termed as President of USA. Astrology horoscopes are fun, interesting, and certainly may be accurate.

Grab the latest horoscopes and understand more your astrology horoscope by checking on the provided links.

Virgo Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

You will have great energy this week and will be able to accomplish a lot of things that have been on the back burner. The people you come in contact with you need to embrace them and work with them not against them. You will have a open mind this week and will be able to move forward with some new that you have not had time to get to, this is important for you to get ahead. The people in your work environment will greatly benefit from you and learn what it takes to manage and succeed at a goal.

Set you financial goals this week as well, you will be in a mode that will allow you to set budgets and manage financial situation in your personal and professional life as well. Any new investments that you make such as real estate and mutual funds could greatly benefit you in the future. The time is now to make these investments and this will allow you freedom to have more time in the future.

This is a great time for you to be creative, you will be able to express yourself like you have not in a great while. You will experience more independence during this time and will be able to control your life and have more personal freedom.

It is also a good time for you to start new relationships, you can find someone now and build a lasting relationship that will help you focus on yourself. Also many friends will be around you and support your new ideas.

For more information on your Virgo Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Taurus Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

You will have to be very focused this week on your health issues and work environment. Your health issues may be a result of stress and putting to much pressure on yourself. It is important to slow down and take each issue that comes your way one at a time, do not try to tackle everything at once. It is important to have more creativeness in your life, you feel as if you have to many responsibilities to let your true self shine through.

It is good for you to reach out to some of the people you have had negative business dealings with in the past. You need to rethink what may have gone wrong and re-present the proposals again, the time is right for more success.

Your business needs you now more than ever. Increase your efficiency by organizing the work so that you are not responsible for every detail. Get others in your office involved in decision making and let them have more authority, this will allow you to focus on growing your business with new products. Take advantage of what you have built to this point in your business, because you are the creative vision behind your success.

It looks like this will be a positive week for your income flow. Make sure that you continue to be in a growth mode for your business. It is a great time to try a few new things that will benefit you in the future. Sometimes it is easier to keep trying the same thing you have in the past, but you need to break that thought pattern and expand your product line.

For more information on your Taurus Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Astrology Horoscope

Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines Horoscope as a diagram of heavens, showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac, for use in calculating births, foretelling events in a person's life etc. The dictionary further defines Horoscope as a prediction of future events or advice for future behavior based on such a diagram.

American Heritage Dictionary defines Horoscope as an astrological forecast, as of a person's future, based on a diagram of the aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment. The term Horoscope is derived from a Greek name meaning "a look at the hours.

Horoscope is also called as astrological chart, birth chart, astro-chart, celestial map, sky-map, star-chart, cosmogram, vitasphere, radical chart, radix, or simply chart. Horoscope forms the basis of horoscope traditions of astrology. In layman's terminology, horoscope means an astrologer's interpretations of the chart through a system known as sun sign astrology.

Now-a-days, many news papers and magazines carry daily horoscopes depending on the zodiac signs. It is becoming increasingly popular among the masses as it provides them some insights into their lives and they can take a peek into their immediate future. But most astrologers regard these as worthless as horoscopes are highly personalized and their interpretations cannot be generalized to thousands of readers just through one planetary placement.

Astrological interpretations are derived from a horoscope diagram. In the diagram, the earth is placed in the centre and it is surrounded by the planets. To construct a horoscope, an astrologer has to the exact time and place of the subject's birth, or the initiation of an event. The time is then translated into GMT.

The astrologer uses the time difference between the GMT and local time at the place of birth to show where the planets will be visible above the horizon at the time and place in question. Then, a table of houses is used to divide the horoscope into 12 divisions around the circle of the ecliptic.

Apart from these houses, the astrologers also have to take into account the aspects or relative angles between planets to construct a horoscope. Indian and Chinese zodiac signs are quite different from the accepted western astrological signs.

Western astrological signs have been divided into 12 zodiac signs such as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. This division is done depending on the date of births of the subjects. For example, persons born between the dates of July 24 and August 23 are given the Leo zodiac sign.

The horoscopes available in the newspapers and magazines are not that reliable. Still, people from all walks of life and all ages seem to be obsessed with it. It has become a part of the daily morning rituals of many.

In a country like India, astrological consultations to analyze the horoscope are a must for many important occasions. It is applicable to all the major events of day to day life, like the birth of a child, starting a new business, getting married, choosing a profession etc. Indians believe that one's horoscope can affect one's business or personal life.

So, horoscope consultations are a must before any such important events. Any defects can be rectified with the help of certain rituals. Horoscopes are also important in choosing the correct match for a man or woman.

If the horoscopes of the bride and the groom match, it is believed that the couple will have a happy married life. For matrimonial matching, a few documents are essential. Horoscopes of both the bride and the bridegroom, Date of birth, and time of birth, and place of birth of both.

If horoscope is not available, then names of the bride and the bridegroom should be taken. Horoscopes can be used for predictions, longevity, health, marriage, business, education, job, children, divorce, court cases, and partnership in business etc.

Chandrradevi is an award winning Astrologer par excellence. Her age fortune middle teller website astrology in india offers accurate Astrological predictions at reasonable prices.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gemini Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

This week you will have many projects that will be completed on time. Your mind will be very focused on finishing things you have started. Your relationships and your career will be on the same page because you will receive lots of help from your spouse this week. Be careful with experiencing struggles between your ideas, you may have issues trying to find purpose and meaning in your life. It is important to stay focused on your goals so you keep on the correct path for success.

Your work environment and the people in it will test you this week. Find the correct balance of new projects you are trying to start, focus on things you are currently working on. It is important to be assertive with current duties and get others more involved in accomplishing your goals. It would be good for you to up your energy level so that you can be a more productive worker. Your job environment may have some negative energy and it would be best for you to get your colleagues involved in making changes around the work place.

If you currently have your own business things may seem a little cloudy at the moment. What ever decisions you make it is important to be clear minded and think them through. Try not to make quick decisions that can get you into trouble. Make sure you negotiate any new deals with other companies. Do not be satisfied with what they are offering because you can get a better deal which will make your company grow.

For more information on your Gemini Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Aquarius Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

You will find yourself making future plans this week for advancing your working career. You will see that there is going to be stability in your job. It is important that the people around you understand that you are focused on work and that is the most important thing in your life right now. This is a great time to be creative and for you to search some of the options you have been faced with in the past. Don't be afraid to open your mind and explore new avenues of mental stimulation.

At work you will be able to show off some new talents that you have acquired. You will be able to get other involved that are in your work environment. This will allow you to show others some of the new talents you have learned and in turn will help them with future projects.

Your business plans currently will be stable as long as you work on current projects and avoid starting new ones for the first part of the year. Avoid getting involved with any new clients or companies until later in the year. To be successful now you need to show motivation throughout your organization.

Be cautious with your cash flow this week, you will find that money will be short in some situations. You need to settle some old debts and get your financial situation in good standing. In the later part of the year you will see some new products selling well and helping with cash flow.

For more information on your Aquarius Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Astrology: Uprising Beliefs

Future is veiled and everyone of us is unaware what can happen over the next moments. We keep on worrying about tomorrow and work in the present to make the coming time healthy with taking care that the errors of past can be avoided.

We grab a copy of newspaper, magazine and look online for sources to have glimpses of their sunsigns which predict about the day. We also seek astrology consultations to step ahead with caution.

Astrology is the belief on which we bank as it can provide the future information about the personality of human, earthly matter and relationships. The person practicing it is called as astrologer. Astrology believes that the nature and its related things have impact on the behavior and body. Humans either have direct or indirect effect on the beings.

Astrology is being practiced since ancient times. The people from very beginning across the world are indulged in this practice. This belief is related with vedas and astronomy. Movements of stars and planets are astrological related things and each planet is related with symbols. So astrology is study of star or planet.

Going according to the western traditions, predictive astrology focuses on two methods one being astrological transits while the other is astrological progressions. Movements of the planets are explained in astrological transits but astrology horoscope is method which is followed in progression.

Early experts only observed heavenly bodies and their movements but present days astrologer consultations have changed a lot. Progression is introduced in this field with the passage of time. People around the world are charmed by the astrology and horoscope signs.

Western astrology predicts on the basis of twelve horoscope or Zodiac signs. The time of birth is determinant of the sign. Horoscope consultations are the suggestions which are looked by people. Astrology has twelve horoscope signs which are derived on after observing from the constellations in the sky.

People search for horoscope consultants and astrologers for stepping ahead with proper success. Indian astrology is highly inquired by the people of the world. Since ancient times, experts are suggesting people. Though astrology is not believed by the scientific community. They call it as superstitious. People of every culture and from each nook of the world endeavor for Indian astrology.

Many online help can be explored for astrology consultations which is in pocket friendly rates.

Vedic Astrology

Monday, March 7, 2011

Vedic Astrology & Horoscope - India

At the time of birth of an individual, the situation of the planets governs his education, livelihood, family, business, his fame, pride, dignity & many other factors responsible for sustainability of a human being. Ever since centuries, man had been believing in some invisible, supernatural for his own existence but has not concluded to a strong viewpoint to rely upon.

The impact of this force on human being is written in a cryptic and mute & mysterious language, which governs the aftermath of any individual existence on this earth. At times it is possible to decode the behaviour of the human beings, through the problems encountered by the man and impact of these problems in the future. This planetary impact can be well understood controlled through (mantra, gems, medican, daan, snnan) theory. Ever changing rules and truth of the life depicts the cycle of the life, death and reincarnation or rebirth but prior to death, we are associated with many disciplines like health, family, business and change in these factors has a direct influence in our life.

Darshanam & Prasadam of almost all Hindu temples of India and Nepal are available on request. Dry Prasadam along with FREE GIFT of "Ganga Jal" of the requested temple is shipped to the person on demand within week time. List of these Leading temples are given below. Prasadam of the following temples are available with us, these temple's Prasadam are collected physically by one of our person on the request and will be shipped to his/her address by courier.

In our services pujas is performed by request by the person on whom behalf the Puja is to be performed, this may be by the direct request of the person to perform the specific Puja/Pujas or on advise by Panditji/Us for remedial Puja to avoid misfortune or attainment of wishes after problem reading by Pandit ji.

Our Vedic Astrology consultation covers the following areas of your life and you can choose to have specialist consultation in one or more areas.

Ashok Kumar is well known in literary circles. Born and bred in sunny Brisbane she has authored several articles on varying subjects like Art, Entertainment, astrology, Education, Travel, Health and Business Management.

Astrology Used in Fortune Telling

A long time ago people used different things to tell their future but the most famous way that until now we are using is Astrology reading. Others say that this is not true. But people around the world still do believe in this way of fortune telling. One thing for sure is that this is not accurate some of this may happened some may not. Based on personal experience there are some instances that these predictions are true but it doesn't really affect my way of living. There are a lot of way we can tell our future side from reading terrestrial bodies one of this is called horoscope.

Astrology horoscope has been a very big help in Astrology reading. They use the stars and our birth date to read our future. Constellation like Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are use in these kind of reading. These are what we called horoscope. Based on my observation most of the believers have been relying to their horoscope that sometimes affects on their daily life. People who always rely to their horoscope cannot go out without reading their daily horoscope because they said it will help them prevent bad luck.

It is not bad to believe in these predictions but you must not let Astrology reading become a hinder to your daily life. Astrology tarot card reading uses tarot cards. Tarot cards are not playing cards, these are special kind of cards that use in reading peoples future. Most tarot readers predict accurately based on some witnesses but again this is just a guess about your future we are not sure if this will really happened because we are in control of ourselves but there is no harm in believing too.

Since this is the new millennium fortune tellers have come to a higher place in Astrology reading. They can read your future over the phone and this is what they called Live phone astrology. They also have Live phone tarot, fortune tellers can read you future using tarot cards but over the phone. These kinds of service have been booming in our industry because many people do believe in this. Aside from the fact that some prediction about other people has been true they also have made it easier for other people to confide to them by using modern technologies.

Most people have believed Astrology reading because they want to find true love using this kind of belief. Love horoscope is the most popular among all fortune telling. People all over the world go to fortune tellers to have their love match and also they can also do Live phone love tarot reading. Aside from love they also do pets. They can read your future through your pets which is called Pet reading. I know that these are all guesses or prediction but there is no harm in believing, but you should also remember not to make these things a hinder in life.

George Neophytou is author of this article on Astrology Reading.

Find more information about Birthday Horoscope here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Capricorn Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

This week you will be full of energy in your social life and in your work. You will be very sensitive to your social status and will work toward achieving a higher ranking in your community. It is important that you know that it is a good time to advance at work and this will also help you with a high social standing.

Your relationships will also blossom this week and it will allow you to experience felling that you have not had in a long time. Your faith will also play a big factor in your community. You will find yourself attending more function in your faith and this will make you feel better about yourself.

You will be more adventurous than before and want to be more playful. Being playful will help you with your socialization skills and will result with you being very witty and funny. You will experience new things that you are unfamiliar with. There may be new circumstances in your family that you will deal with and this will help you grow as a person. Be close to your family and let them know that you need their support.

Your business plans will be on the front of your thoughts and you should work towards new goals. Do not let people in high authority negatively influence you to invest in things that will hurt you financially. it is important to be financially responsible and wait for any new investments in real estate or mutual funds.

For more information on your Capricorn Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Looking Into Astrology & Horoscopes Advice For Virgo

Not everyone believes in astrology/horoscopes. However, there is some interesting information. Although some of it may seem to generalize, personality traits can be surprisingly accurate. Here is some information and advice for Virgo that you might find interesting.

Virgos are often described as cerebral. They are thinkers. They love to analyze things. It is hard for a Virgo to understand a procrastinator. They seek order and harmony in their lives. If you want to know something, ask a Virgo. They usually have excellent memories.

Virgos may be able to recall amazing details from their childhood. They often bring these childhood memories with them, into adulthood. This can sometimes cause problems. A good word of advice to people born under the sign of Virgo, is to let go.

Virgos have a hard time letting go. They need to remember that the past is gone. There is nothing that they can do about it. You must cut your losses and carry on, at some point.

This cerebral approach can sometimes be detrimental to you. Often times, you might hang to a relationship after the other person has given up. It is not that you still want the person. You just cannot understand why they left you. You need to know why. This state of mind serves you well for seeking knowledge. However, it can get you into trouble in relationships.

You are often referred to as cool under pressure. People may think you to be easy going. This may be the case. Yet, you tend to hold things in too much, dear Virgo. You suppress, rather than deal with things. Although everyone does this, you are more prone to react this way.

This can sometimes be detrimental to love and work. Long term suppression leads to a sudden break. You can deal with things very well for a long time. Then you reach a point to where you can no longer take it. You may explode for no apparent reason. You may not know the reason, yourself.

A few minutes later, you may feel much better. The problem is, you may hurt someone's feelings. That person may be very dear to you. Many Virgos would do well to have a punching bag in their basement or garage. Periodically walk out there and pound that bag into submission. You may be amazed at how good you feel, afterward.

Another good word of advice to Virgo is to just do it. Sometimes you have to just do it. Do not over think situations. This only adds to your natural tendency to hold things in. Remember the old adage of study long and study wrong. This may help you in many ways, dear Virgo.

You may be afraid of being impetuous. This cannot happen to you. You are too cool. You are too organized. You have to let loose and enjoy yourself sometimes. If you have an Aries mate, this person will show you how to have fun. An Aries friend or acquaintance may also be of help.


Are you looking for astrology/horoscopes advice for Virgos? You are cool under fire. Sometimes you may be too cool. Every now and then, you need to blow off steam. Keep a punching bag in your home. Every now and then, cut loose on it. If you have an Aries mate, they will teach you how to have fun. Listen to them. An Aries friend or coworker may also help.

For more Sparkling writing style and insights from the UK's most original and sincere Astrologer Patrick Arundell. Check out your Horoscopes including Love Horoscopes today!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Understand What You Can Learn Through Astrology & Horoscopes

Astrology/horoscopes involve the creation of charts that map the planets as well as the moon and the sun. It is this map which is referred to as an astrological chart. In many cultures there is an interest in creating astrological charts that can give information relating to life and death. To determine the exact position of the planets, moon, and sun for an astrological chart would require knowing the date, time, and location of birth for the concerned individual.

In astrology the sun and the moon are often considered planets though as we know this is not technically correct. The other celestial bodies used include Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Mercury. The Earth is not included as this is the point in the universe from which we look out to the heavens.

Each astrological chart is made up of twelve houses. These represent a specific aspect of life, for example career, romance, or family. As only ten planets are used to compile a chart there are two that are vacant. These are supposed to represent the aspects of our lives that the cosmos does not feel we need to focus your energy on; perhaps you have already mastered such aspects in a previous incarnation.

The position of the sun when you were born will determine your sun sign. From this the positions of the other planets are analyzed in relation to their impact on the sun sign. In a similar way the moon sign and its positioning is also factored in to a reading.

A professional astrologist would be able to paint a clear picture of an individual's life and personality simply through interpreting the information contained within an astrological chart. It is often said that as time progresses the information garnered from a chart may not be as accurate as other astrological phenomena can play a major role in what events arise.

If you have often wondered why it is that you seem to always make the wrong decision in life then you can perhaps learn the answers by studying your horoscope. You can even use astrology to have a better understanding about whether the career you are on is the right choice and also whether or not a relationship will work out.

It is not so difficult to have an astrological reading alongside your partner to find out whether they really are your soul mate or if you are going to always be fighting and having disagreements. For example an Aquarius is believed to be a good match for a Libra but not for a Gemini.

If you have an interest in having your birth chart created or simply getting an up to date reading from an expert then you can do so online. No longer would you need to visit an astrologer in person. It can now all be done from the comfort and convenience of your own home. As the net is awash with such services you should seek out the reviews and opinions of others to find a reliable and trustworthy website to use.

Carolyn Clayton writes for Patrick Arundell. Check out your Horoscope or why not try the Live Psychics online today!

Astrology, Zodiacs, and Jyotish - Exclusive Usage of Vedic Sidereal is a Trap to Avoid

Avoid the astrology trap of using the Sidereal zodiac exclusively (or practitioners who do) or risk vast inaccuracies.

You've always thought that you had a Sagittarius Sun sign, but then you're confused when a friend shows you a "cooler" form of astrology, one which totally changes what you thought you knew about your basic natal chart. You think, "How can I have a Scorpio Sun?" You don't.

Sidereal zodiac (the zodiac of constellations) advocates will tell you, "...but Sidereal is the 'oldest astrology,' it's the basis for Hindu astrology!"

While it is the basis for Hindu astrology, functional Chaldean and Greek predate horoscopic Hindu/Vedic/Jyotish/Indian, and evidence shows that Hindu horoscopic astrology borrowed heavily from these cultures.

You're not alone if you've fallen for a smooth-talking Internet marketer telling you that she'll help you fix all your problems if you buy her products and services based on the Sidereal zodiac. Her getting testimonials from big, recognizable names (who happen to use the same publishers in many cases) means that she has a good P.R. machine, that's all.

How to Escape This Trap

We recommend using the Tropical zodiac (and practitioners who do) instead as the primary zodiac. This is the zodiac of Western astrology and it's what you'll find at most non-Eastern astrology sites.

While we're sure there exist talented astrologers in India who rely upon the Sidereal zodiac and have shaped their systems to be efficient in the real world, we have yet to encounter an American, European or other Western astrologer who uses the Sidereal zodiac exclusively and offers even consistently semi-acceptable accuracy rates.

If the practitioner who uses Sidereal is very psychic and, or has developed their own unique, reliable system using it, then perhaps they might be able to obtain consistently high accuracy. But our experience since the 1980s tells us that they don't exist in America or anywhere else in the Western world.

Your "Real" Signs

It must be said that you won't find your "real Ascendant/Rising sign" (or "real Sun sign," or "real Moon sign," etc.) by using the Sidereal zodiac.

Make no mistake: you won't find out "...what sign you really are..." using the Sidereal zodiac (basis for Hindu/Vedic/Jyotish/Indian astrology), and it isn't the "...true zodiac." Don't fall for this nonsense.

Sidereal Zodiac Origins

Usage of the Sidereal zodiac is from an era when practitioners had an inadequate understanding of the realities of our planet and solar system. It was already developed (in a very rough form) before the origins of horoscopic astrology.

The origins of the actual precise astrological horoscope (horoscopic astrology), which includes the Ascendant or Rising sign, etc. is traced back to Hellenistic Egypt (about 330 BC - 30 BC). Prior to this time (when the Hindus adopted horoscope astrology), our findings show that Hindu astrology was essentially an ambiguous spiritual philosophy, without distinct means for explicit delineation and prediction.

The Hindus borrowing the functional horoscope, which includes the Ascendant/Rising sign, from other cultures is certainly acceptable, but using the Sidereal zodiac in conjunction with it results in some technical concerns, as outlined below.

The Sidereal Zodiac system is based on fixed stars, hence the problem. We attach importance to the fixed stars, but we don't like how the Sidereal system links the degrees of the Ecliptic to them.

The True Ascendant

The true Ascendant (Rising sign), in our opinion, is where the Eastern horizon intercepts the Ecliptic. This is so in the Tropical zodiac system, but not the Sidereal. Using that system, due to the current 20+ degree difference between the zodiacs, you'll likely have a different Ascendant, Sun sign, and Moon sign, among other differences.


Due to precession, there exists the current 20+ degree discrepancy between the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs, but it's only a concern with transits and other superficial timing indicators. The natal calculations are absolutely valid under Tropical, in our opinion. Anyway, you can always adjust Tropical zodiac transit charts, lunar return charts, solar return charts and other methods that are altered due to precession.

Complicated Forms of Astrology

Furthermore, while the techniques of Hindu, or Vedic astrology are said by some proponents to be "more complicated" than those of modern Western astrology, they aren't more complicated in the least than the collective methods of ancient astrology, including those of Chaldean, Greek, Egyptian, Arabic, and others.

Real Astrology Symbolizes Personal Fate

The more deeply a practitioner objectively explores the science of astrology, instead of trying to find ways to manipulate life to one's desire (e.g., "getting astrologically unstuck and finding and keeping the love of your life"), what is really discovered is that the comprehensive charts symbolize immutable fate--predestination. Although you can't turn your charts into a magic genie who will grant all of your wishes, self- understanding, thus acceptance is obtainable.

We accept Sidereal zodiac astrology as an alternative, yet we believe the Tropical zodiac is optimum for precision. We recommend you seek out astrologers who are well-versed in the Topical zodiac, which is the basis for Western astrology. Also, due to proven, more reliable methods, you're better off hiring astrologers who favor ancient rather than modern astrology, as we've detailed in many articles.

Copyright © 2009 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Tips on How the Horoscope Will Guide You

We all want to find that perfect someone but it is not always easy. In fact you might think that it is impossible and you will never find the right person. It can be hard if you are not a natural communicator and you find it hard to make contact with other people. This is where there the astrological horoscope can guide. When looking in your personal horoscope you will be able to find the information you need to uncover the kind of person you would be compatible with.

If you have not already had your personal horoscope drawn up, then I strongly advice you to get that done, with the help of a good astrologer you will be able to understand your horoscope. Because a horoscope is like a road map you can consult when ever you need some guidance in your life.

There are many times in your life when you have to make a decision because you have come to a cross road and you need to decide which road or direction you should take. The horoscope will then tell you what kind of energy you will be working with depending of which direction you choose to follow.

This is a powerful advantages to have and it can be life changing knowing your horoscope. Because it will tell you what lies ahead of you and that way you can be more prepared for any challenge that might come your way and give you a lot better chance to be successful.

The horoscope can be used for every part of your life it will assist you in what ever aspects you want to explore. If you want to start a new project and perhaps you want to partner up with someone on your new venture then you can look to the astrological horoscope and find out if the partner is going to be suitable. But not only that you will be able to pick the best time to start your project to be sure that the influence of the planets is just right for you to make the new start.

Before I started to study "Astrology" I had some personal issues and I desperately wanted to understand my feelings better and to resolve these issues. So I started to study astrology which sent me on a journey of self-discovery. Astrology can be a very complicated subject to understand but also very exciting. Check out my site and learn more "About Astrology"

Indian Vedic Astrology & Horoscopes - Indian Astrology and Predictions

Indian Vedic astrology is perhaps the oldest branch of Futurology known to the human race. There are references about Indian astrology in ancient scriptures, Vedas and Puranas authored thousands of years ago in this part of the land. The first known treatise on Vedic Astrology is supposed to be authored by Lord Skanda the son of one of the trinities in Hindu religion, Lord Shiva the re-creator.Even today this treatise is available and stands testimony to the age of this branch of futurology.

Indian Vedic Astrology is known for its unique system of predictions and calculations. While western astrology basically follows the Sun signs and predictions are based on the the same, Indian Vedic Astrology takes into consideration the Moon sign, which is more broad, personalized and accurate. The signs of the zodiac being twelve the whole human race is divided into 12 equal divisions in other branches of Astrology and they are more of general in nature, the Indian Astrology make use of the Moon sign, and each Zodiacal sign is further sub divided into 9 thus making the calculations more subtle. Not only the zodiacal signs are classified according to constellations or 'Nakshatras' as it is called in Sanskrit, The placement of the planets is also considered from these constellations. Indian Astrology based on Parasara system the conventional system widely followed in India, and later on sharpened by celebrities like Varahamihira, is a fool proof system. There is no second work on astrology to match the Brihatjathaka authored by Varahamihira the legendary figure in Indian Astrology.

One of the ancient and popular astrologers of Kerala, Thalakkulathur Bhattathiripad had written a comprehensive explanation only on the first 10 chapters of 'Brihatjathaka" known as 'Dasadhyayee' since he was of the opinion that the whole essence of Vedic Astrology had been summarized by Varahamihira in the first 10 chapters itself in his monumental work.Today the Vedic Astrologers, of Kerala, the cradle of Hindu Astrology, follows the latter work of Bhattathiripad and another unique treatise known as 'Prasnamargam' the one and only comprehensive horary astrological treatise available today.

Indian Vedic Astrology apart from its unique system of prediction as explained above also follows the Dasa system based on the constellation of natal Moon in the birth chart to precisely predict the timing of events which no other branch of Astrology can boast of.In short it is one of the most scientific and reliable tools to have an insight into one's personality and future events or circumstances that could help ease the life of an individual and lead a more comfortable life if not a perfect one.

Raveendranath Menon is an astrologer, mystic and counselor of repute with more than 30 years of service to the society. You may consult him at Indian Vedic Astrology Predictions -

You may also read more about Indian Vedic Astrology at his Blog Raveendranath Menon's Indian Astrology Site

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Aries Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope

A busy week ahead. This week you focus on your close relations. Family and close relations are much stronger now. You prepare yourself for the coming period during this phase. There could be changes necessary in your job or health routines. You can use this flow of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines.

It is time to do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you know you have to do in order to feel more balanced. Leadership, advancing in your goal is what you want right now. However, you have to make compromise on some matter with your seniors or any colleague. You are willing to take challenges and to solve problems.

If in business, then this is a time to get others' opinions and feedback about yourself and what you are doing. Subordinate level problems may be there and affect the pace at work. Strict actions are necessary. Relationships of all types are activated now and cooperation, compromise, and adjustments to others' viewpoints are key issues that require your attention.

Financially, this period is slow for flow in income. Unavoidable expenditures may make you thoughtful. You will have to spend money on regular bills and payments. However, you will restrain on it but will need to manage and balance. Real estate investment will be favorable. Avoid investing money in shares speculation. It is beneficial to go for mutual funds or insurance policies.

For more information on your Aries Moon Phase Astrological Horoscope go to:

Astrology Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs December 13, 2007

Astrology Forecast December 13, 2007

There' has been a couple of very important astrological changes recently.

Essentially a couple of weeks ago both Jupiter and Venus changed signs. Venus moved into her own sign of Libra and Jupiter moved into his own sign of Sagittarius. Those who have been reading this newsletter should recall that I indicated things would improve once that shift happened. Although it may be a little difficult to feel personally, due to the nature of Mars in Gemini and a few other factors that I will discuss, for the most part things have improved. There has been a couple major events recently, with our government especially, that show this clearly.

Iran Nuclear program

A couple of weeks ago it was revealed that Iran has in fact abandoned its nuclear weapons program, as they have stated and the international nuclear regulatory commission had also concluded. This was a National Intelligence Estimate Report. In the aftermath, the president and other hard-liners continue to beat an all too familiar sounding war drum, that has many citizens concerned due to its similarity to the pre Iraq invasion Battle cry. Yet, this has become a much harder sell now. This is, after all, the President's very own intelligence agency.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

But this is not a political column, it is an astrological one. The months preceding this news were filled with increasing hard-line rhetoric which seemed destined to lead to military conflict. Suddenly, everything has changed. What happened astrologically cause this?

Jupiter is the planet of grace, wisdom and expansion. The influence of Jupiter is often swift and sudden and leaves us full of hope, especially when Jupiter enters a fire sign, like Sagittarius. Currently Jupiter is at 5° Sagittarius and the South node, Ketu is at 6° Leo. Jupiter is casting a very favorable trinal aspect, in a very tight orb to the South node. In addition to the aspects being made by the planet, there's a powerful Nakshatra influence here. Both Jupiter and Ketu are in Ketu's Nakshatra's. Jupiter is in Mula and Ketu is in Magha.

Mula Nakshatra - Ruled By Ketu

The Nakshatra of Mula is related to destroying darkness, and even evil. The Nakshatra of Magha is related to royalty, entitlements and legacies. In the West this star is known as Regulus. Additionally, Ketu is related to the past (as lineage confers royalty). It refers to a hidden strengths that we have, that we often times overlook or don't use or that are hidden from us. How fascinating that as soon as Jupiter enters the Nakshatra of Mula, ruled by Ketu, related to destruction as a creative force, this national intelligence report comes to light. Actually, this information was known since 2005. This revelation has in many ways smashed to bits a certain forward moving inertia relative to the increased rhetoric about Iran. That is the power of Mula Nakshatra, to smash things to bits. Yet, we have been seeing other things smashed to bits also, especially around religious and educational themes - Jupiter themes. Shootings in churches and schools and shopping malls seem to be a common everyday occurrence now. This is also the influence of Mula. Of all the Nakshatras, Mula is the one the most associated with murder - Ardra is the other, the Nakshatra where Mars resides.

Very recently, as in this week, we have seen increased reporting on methods of torture being practiced by the US government, namely waterboarding. In recent past there had been a debate about whether waterboarding is actually torture or not. Finally, the national press has become interested in the story and speaking honestly about it. It is interesting how we called waterboarding torture when the Khmer Rouge used this "enhanced interrogation tactic". Yet suddenly now, politicians are fumbling over themselves to make the same conclusions.

Venus in Libra

What does this have to do with astrology? Venus entering Libra shows more diplomacy, civility and humanity returning to our collective consciousness. Additionally, Venus in the Nakshatra of Swati, ruled by Rahu, even further clarifies. Rahu is related to the hidden forces that shape the future. A powerful Rahu will show someone always a little ahead of the curve and someone shaping public opinion rather than following it. It is excellent for public-relations. This is why Rahu also gives psychic abilities and it is very good for making astrological predictions.

However, Rahu is unpredictable and in many ways ungrounded. It is a head without a body, without digestive system. The Nakshatra of Swati is ruled by Vayu, the wind, and also the breath. Waterboarding is a technique that simulates drowning. One gasps for air.

Dangers of the Nodes

The nodes show dangerous and unpredictable energies at play. Currently there are five planets in the Nakshatras ruled by the nodes. Especially Mars is still wreaking havoc in Ardra. This is why there has been unpredictable shootings in schools, malls and churches -- almost every day a new incident. I wrote months ago about Mars in Ardra and its relationship to the California wildfires, and the prominence of the Nakshatra of Ardra in war. We should start to see some of these Mars troubles abate soon as he draws closer to Jupiter by transit.

Yet, overall, there has been some major light shed recently. We must all do what we can however to pray for those less fortunate. That includes our leaders and all those marginalized citizens of the world.

Sam Geppi has over 20 years of Vedic Study and experience. He is a Hatha Yoga instructor and certified Vedic Astrologer and Teacher through the ACVA (level 2) as well as author of "The Ascendant". - Newsletters and Readings - Astrology Podcasts.